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It's been 10 months since we last saw everyone.
Liv Just had your daughter.
Shady: We r parents for 2 now.
She kisses u
Shady: There is something I want to talk to you about. WWE wants me to do one more match against Grayson at stand and deliver. It's a street fight.
Liv: R u Kidding me!? No way
Shady: Baby it's one match that's it.
Liv: Fine
Next Tuesday

Liv: Enough Grayson.
Santana comes and helps u.
Santana: LEAVE
That night your taking a shower.
Liv joins.
Shady: Hi baby
Liv: Hey babe. U ok?
Shady: Your naked I'm wonderful.
She smacks your chest
Shady: Yea I'm fine baby.
She kisses u.
Shady: The things u do to me.
Liv: do something about it.
U pin her against the wall and kiss her neck.
Liv: Easy tiger
Shady: How u going to say yes then no baby.
Liv: Bed.
After 3 hours
Liv: God I love you babe
Shady: I love you too baby
Liv: we haven't been like this in years.
Shady: Because I was always tired from wrestling. But now the man u fell in love with is back .
She kisses u.
Liv: Again.
The Stand and deliver

U clutch your arm.
After bit u hit a death note ( Think jonnys one final beat)
U get to the back.
Liv: U ok?
U pick up Oliver and hug him.
Shady: U ok Bud?
Oliver: Yea I'm good.
Liv adds a post to Instagram
Liv: Went to war but immediately went into dad mode when get got back. I couldn't ask for a better husband I love you Oscar.
U see it
U kiss her.
Shady: Because your my queen baby. I have a interview with Chris tomorrow morning.
She nods
The next morning
U have Bella in your lap
Bella: Dada who dat
Shady: He's a good friend of mine.
Ortiz walks in
Shady: What you doing here?
Ortiz: Lax one more time baby?
Shady: if it means we have each other again absolutely. Also meet Bella Ortiz Haze
He looks at you
Shady: We r family man.
Liv and Bella sit behind the camera.
Oliver next to live

Shady: I want correct something I said my daughter just turned 3 my son is 7.
Liv: Take your time babe
Shady: after bray passed I was hurting. I actually had to check myself into rehab.
Chris: What made you go?
Shady: 3 things. I wouldn't come home. I get a text from Mami over there saying Oliver misses me. Then when I did get home he would try to play but all I did was sleep. And it took me look at there Christmas list to get my act together. Bella wrote I want Dada back.
U choke up
Shady: I remember Liv walking in on me crying my eyes out. I hugged her tightly apologizing for being a terrible husband and father. I'm officially 3 years clean. I almost lost the 3 most important people in my life.
Liv: I was worried about you but u came around.
Shady: When I got home. I'll admit I kissed Liv like is was about to die. and
U start laughing.
Shady: Seth was with me he brought me home. All I hear is Oliver go OMG yes finally we can be a family holy shit took you long enough. I started dying while Liv was tearing him a new one about the language.
Oliver: I learned it from u.
Shady: HEY. I just got out of the dog house with your mother Dont make go back in.
Liv: Your fine but if you cuss Infront of our kids again I will hit with Barbara.
Ortiz: Dang.
Shady: Fyi Barbara is a barbwire baseball bat I have in my gym.
Chris: See you guys later
U drive to another interview.
Liv: We will sit out here

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