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U get a call from the doctor
Shady: I got it
U pick up
Shady: Hey
Doctor: I'm sorry but u need to retire.
Shady: What why I just got back and I'm finally getting my momentum back.
Doctor: Your back can't handle another shot.
Shady: Ok fine tell Hunter .
U hang up
Liv: Hey everything ok?
U just shake your head.
She hugs u
Shady: I just want one thing to go right.
U get to raw
Ruby: Hey Liv said something is wrong?
AJ and the usos walk up with Liv and Oliver.
Shady: I'll tell you guys in the ring.
After a bit u get dressed
U r Taking off your shirt and u take a seat.
U look at your tattoo for Liv and look at the WWE championship.
U start crying
Buddy: Hey hey what's up bro?
Rey and Seth walk in with him
U just look at them
Rey understands and hugs u
Shady: This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
Rey: I know son
Seth: We r here for u
U throw on a shirt and grab the belt
Shady: I'm sorry little guy wish we had more time together.
U guys walk out the locker room
Liv: Hey u ok? I can see u have been crying.
Rey: U didn't tell her?
Shady: I'm trying my best here dad. I'm barley hanging onto whatever emotions r left without losing it.
AJ: Hey relax.
Shady: How! How the hell am I supposed to relax.
Buddy: Easy
U Lean against the wall take deep breaths
Rey: I know son
Liv: Please your scaring me.
U pull her into u
Shady: I love you so much
Liv: I love you too baby.
She lest go
Shady: Let's go to work.
U guys walk to gorilla.
Hunter: How u feeling
Shady: I think like shit is a understatement. I mean I just got back and now this.
Hunter: I know it sucks
U guys walk to the ring
Shady: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN YOUR KING HAS ARRIVED. Now I have bad news. Unfortunately I -
U choke up
Shady: I have to retire.
Liv starts crying.
Shady: I've been through everything Broken back,arm ,shoulder,coller bone, toren ACL,MCL hell I broke my arm then fought for another 50 minutes against Okada THEN faced Ibushi at the Tokyo dome that night. Life has put everything in my way but I kept saying no it's not time . Along the way I met and married the hottest woman in the world Mi amor Liv Morgan!
The crowd cheers.
Shady: The entire time I was thinking how am I going to tell Liv because I can't hide anything from her. She has been there since day one and I can't thank you enough baby.
U give her a kiss
Shady: AJ styles, Buddy Murphy,the usos, and Rey and Dom. All of u r like family to me Well buddy literally is but u get the point.
Everyone laughed
Shady: Last The Ue my brothers Adam Cole, Bobby fish, Kyle oRiley, Roderick Strong and My baby Liv Morgan. Boys we have done some damage in this ring .
U look down
Shady: Also in the hotels
Liv smacks your arm
U guys laugh
Shady: I regret nothing. But seriously I couldn't have done any of this without you guys. Roddy u saw me at the Pc and immediately called me over I was nervous about meeting you guys but u took me in like I was one of your own and I thank u.
Kyle Bobby U guys helped me win my first cruiserweight championship and I must thank you. Adam the things u have done for me is undisputed. I love you so much dude
U guys hug.
Shady: Now onto this
U look at the WWE championship
Shady: I got the call while I was spending time with Liv that they needed me. My only thought was no because I wanted to be with Liv. I was in pain my back was bothering me mainly because I fell at 3 in the morning because someone wanted to bring his tools into the house
Seth: Sorry
Shady: Take the damn things with you.
I'm here by relinquish-

U guys look up
Will: Shady Wait
He gets in the ring
U help Liv out of the ring
Will: I just got told something. The doctor got paid off your back is completely perfect.
U guys look happy
Will: So I challenge you for that
U smile
Shady: One minute I'm retiring next will ospray is challenging me . I'm sorry no I'm done. Even tho I'm ok it's time.
Will slaps u
Liv can see the gears turning
Shady: Get me a ref
U take off your shirt
Liv: Becaful
U kiss her forehead
Shady: Always

Liv gets in the ring
U get up quickly and spin her around
Liv: So your done?
Shady: No I can go at least 5 more years but I'm taking a break because u and Oliver need me
U hear Cody's music
He walks out
Cody: Me and u right now in ladder match.
U give him a dirty look
U kiss Liv

U stand up
Liv hugs u
U guys walk towards the back
U see hunter waiting
Liv: U got this.
U walk up to hunter and hand him the belt.
He shakes your hand
Shady: This isn't goodbye it's see you later
U walk backstage and get to your locker room
Liv: Hey-
U break down
Liv: Shhh I got u babe it's ok
After a bit u get it together
U stand up and hug Liv
Liv: It's ok babe
U guys get home and u hear someone at the door
Shady: It's 3 am who the fuck is there.
U open and see Kie
Shady: what u doing here?
Kie: u weren't responding to any of our calls.
Shady: Because u guys left me for dead.
Liv walks out:
Liv: Hey baby what's up?
Shady: Just some old friends.
Kie: I was your girl-
Shady: Your girlfriend doesn't leave her behind while he's fighting for his life!
U hear crying
Shady: I got it. Look Kie what do u want.
JJ and everyone walks around the corner
JJ: To apologize.
Shady: it's 3 Am u crazy fuckers. Fine u say your PEICE then leave.
U guys walk in.
U grab Oliver
Shady: Daddys sorry for waking u.
U walk out
Liv takes Oliver
JJ: I'm sorry -
Shady: I don't forgive any of u well besides the girls.
Ralph: Dude come on.

Shady: now leave.
They left
Liv: now back to bed because momma needs some sugar
U smirk
Shady: Don't treaten me with a good time

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