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U r laying with Liv when hacov walk in.
mjf: What up
Shady: Guys I just want to rest.
Santana: We know papi. That's why we r just going to hang around and not bother you.
U sigh out of anger.
Shady: I'm going out side.
U sit on the chair trying not to cry.
Seth and Santana and mjf join u.
Mjf: What's up
Shady: Ive lost so much. I just want 5 fuckin seconds without someone fuckin it up.
Santana: What happened
Shady: It's my ma. She left us THIS morning. Od
She never got to meet Liv or Oliver.
U break down.
Santana hugs u and Ortiz joins
Shady: She couldn't leave them alone. They finally won
U walk inside and head to the music room.
Everyone follows u

Liv hugs u tight
Shady: Go have fun I got the guys
Liv: If your sure?
Shady: Baby u have earned your space away from me go.
She kisses u passionately.
Shady: U kiss me like that again Oliver will have a sibling
She smiles
She leaves
Santana: Boys night.
Liv gets home around 6 hours later
She walks in and see Santana and Ortiz sleeping
The Lucha brothers making food and u,mjf,Seth and Oliver in the music room.
Liv: Rey don't burn my house down.
Rey: Si Mami
She walks in to guys finish your final song

Liv: I've been meaning to talk to you.
Shady: Guys
They leave
Liv: I think we should have some space.
Shady: if that's what you want.
Liv: It's not but u need time to heal.
Shady: All I need is u Oliver and my music.
Liv: so what do we do.
Shady: I take time off to heal myself and to relax. I do a show and find my mojo.
Liv: I think it's best if we have space
U nod
Shady: I will always be here waiting.
She leaves.
It's about 3 months later. U dropped the nxt championship to mjf and u r doing a show today.
Santana: U ready?
U nod
U get on stage and see Liv in the crowd
Shady: Ladies and gentlemen your king has arrived.
Everyone cheers
Shady: Now I've been working on this song for about 8 months. It's about if your partner leaves you but u can see they regret it.

U see Liv smile
Shady: Now this next one is about them coming home to u. But u have a little fun at the bar first. And before I start a few months ago me and my wife went on a break. 3 months without hearing that laugh or seeing her. If u r out there baby please come home we miss you.

Shady: Now that is out of the way. Shall we get into the more me stuff. I wrote this song the day I left music

U get to the back
Liv: Shady
U stop
Shady: What's up.
Liv: I'm ready to come home.
U nod
Shady: Ok
U walk out
She looks confused.
Liv: Hey -
Shady: I'm giving u the cold shoulder because I needed u but u left. Do u know how hard it was explaining where u went to Oliver.
U sigh and run your hands through your hair.
Shady: We miss you but I'm not sure when we will get back to us.
U walk off.
After a bit u r relaxing in the backyard.
Oliver walks up
Oliver: Daddy
Shady: Hi baby
Oliver: Where momma
Shady: She will be here I promise.
Oliver: Did u-
Shady: No it's wasn't you. It was me. I lost Grandma and I couldn't get myself together so she left because I needed to get my act together.
Oliver looks confused
Shady: Me be sad mom left because I wasn't being a good boy.
Oliver: Oh
He hugs u
Oliver: I love you Dad.
Shady: I love you too buddy.
U hear the door open.
Then everything goes black.
A few hours later
Liv walks in and sees the house destroyed
She looks out and sees u on the ground
She runs and sees blood
Oliver: Mom
She moves you and sees u protected Oliver.
It's a few weeks later.
Hunter: If u need time off-
Liv: I came home to my husband dead and my son covered in blood. I want revenge not time.
Santana: Easy Mami
It's raw and havoc r in the ring.
Seth: Shady was a amazing guy.
The entire roster was on the ramp.
Santana: He was amazing
Santana sees someone who looks like u
He looks down.
A masked figure attacks the miz
The grab him and toss him into the stairs
Hunter: The hell
They grab a mic
They grab Miz by the hair
???: U tried to kill his son now u will be lucky to make it out of summer slam breathing.
Santana: Who r u?!
They remove the mask to reveal will ospray.
It's summer slam
Liv: I miss him
Will: this is for him
After the match someone attacked will
They hit a superkick
???: U see will u never where my friend u just said that to get the main event of summer slam. My friends r in havoc.
They remove the mask but there hair is covering there face
???: Remember will I made u. And next week I'm ending u.
It's next week's raw
Santana: We got your back will.
Will makes his entrance.
Then they hear

The Ue and the masked man walk out.
He gets in the ring and takes off his jacket revealing cuts on his body and what looks like gun shot wounds?
Then the mask.
Having joker face paint.

The person gets on there knees
Liv gets in
Liv: Show your face!
They move there hair.
Will hands a wet rag and they wipe there face
She looks at them then hugs them tightly.
???: I'm sorry for making u go through this.
She kisses them
Santana: I knew it!
They hug u.
Shady: I survived. I was living with Jay
Everyone celebrates
When u shove ajs arms down then hit a sko on will
U line up a hidden blade
Liv: No
Shady: MOVE
she's shocked
U mover out the way then blast will
Shady: AHHHH
u look at everyone
Shady: Stay out of this
U grab will by the hair.
Shady: U see I remember before blackout hearing your voice. U tried to kill me and my son. I will have your head for it.
U drop the mic and grab 2 chairs.
Santana: Hey hey!
He holds u back
It's next week and u r in a match against Pentagon because he wants to help u.
U guys about to start when

U hit a sko for a quick pin
U get home
Liv: I missed u
U kiss her passionately
Liv: I see
She smirks
Shady: I've been very naughty
Liv: Time for punishment

It's the next day and u guys r hanging with the girls and u went just to see everyone
Liv: My man
Trinity: Good to see u shady
Shady: Thanks-
U get a call
Shady: Sorry
U take the call and hold livs hand
Dom: I swear I'm going to kill you!
U guys talk in Spanish
Dom:I'm sorry I love you bro how's Liv
U looking at her and smile
Shady: still beautiful and thicker than a Snicker
U hear laughing
U look up and see Sasha
Shady: I said nothing
Sasha: ok cap
Shady: Ok I have to go before u out me to mi amor.
Dom: Bye.
U hang up
Shady: Oh the poor kid.
Sasha: Snickers?
Shady: Am I wrong?
U guys look at Liv
Liv: Do I have something on my face?
Sasha: I see it.
U whisper what u said to Liv
Liv: Babe!
Shady: If I get a call from Rey that's why.

Unwanted  Liv Morgan X OcWhere stories live. Discover now