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U r getting ready for your next concert.
Seth: Hey shady how's it going.
Shady: Good started seeing someone she's really something.
Seth: Glad to hear that look everyone from WWE is here.
Shady: What?!
U peek out
Shady: Who told them?
Seth: No one they just heard a new guy on the phone and wanted to hear u on person.
Shady: Fine.
Seth walks back.
Shady: This is about to go either way.
U walk out
Shady: Hey guys.
Rhea: Oscar!
Shady: Shall we?

Shady: Now I'm going to tell a little story before we head back into the music.
Liv: Oh no
Shady: I started seeing this girl and she is amazing in anyway u can think besides that way u dirty fuckers I haven't tested that part yet.
Liv is blushing.
Shady: We head to breakfast and everything is going good and this kid walks up and says wow I love your music so much it helped me out of a dark Time. I say thanks but what about her and he says with a straight face I mean she alright.
Everyone laughed
Shady: And some of u maybe wondering why didn't I defend her it's because I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Now shall we continue?
Liv: YEA
Shady: Ok now this song is for my lady where ever she's watching this I have no idea these lights r bright as hell.

U heard Becky singing the girl part.
Shady: Thank u good night.
U hop off the stage and into the crowd.
Liv: That was amazing shady
Shady: thanks love also have u seen my girlfriend I can't find her.
Liv: She's looking at u
Shady: I know baby.
Seth: That was amazing dude.
Shady: Thanks brother.
Vince walks up
Vince: We need someone to sing tonight at the rumble u in?
Shady: Absolutely.
Vince: Good any song is good.
U guys get to the rumble.
Liv: U know what you going to sing?
Shady: Yea
Aaliyah walks over
Aaliyah: Hey
Shady: What's up?
Aaliyah: Nothing much
Shady: Id love to catch up but me and Liv need to talk about something important.
U grab Liv and walk away.
Liv: What's up.
Shady: I have 2 surprises for u and u get both tonight. The first is the song and the second I have to wait and see.
Liv: Ok
U walk out to do the song
But u grab Liv and stand her next to u.

Liv: So u want to make us public?
U kiss her
Shady: That awnser your question?
She giggles
U guys walk back and r greeted by Seth and the Ue
Adam: First of congratulations second get over here dude.
U guys hug
Shady: I actually have a surprise for all of u.
Seth: what is it.
Shady: Can't spoil it.
It's the main event and it's number 29

The ue r confused because all of them r in the ring
U walk out
The crowd loosing their minds.
U slide in the ring.
Adam: U sum bitch
U guys hug and start attacking everyone
Dom sees u
Dom: Shady?
U superkick Dom
Shady: That's for hell in a cell
U chuck him out.
It's down to u, the Ue and Seth and Rey.
Shady: it feels like a interview I've teamed with everyone.
U go right after Rey
U drop him then super kick Seth out.
Rey throws out Bobby Adam and Kyle out.
Roddy: Shady
U super kick Roddy out shocking everyone.
Shady: I love you but it's between us.
Rey smiles but u hit a high knee and death note ( aka rko) and win the rumble.
U get to the back
Liv goes to hug u but u stop her and hug Roderick
Shady: I love you man
Roddy: it's ok I understand.
U let go and r tackled by Liv
Shady: hi baby
Liv: this was the other surprise?
Shady: Yep the band is back together.
Liv: I'm so proud of you
U go back to change
U walk back to everyone
Liv: Let's go home.
U guys head to your place.
U end up falling asleep while cuddling with Liv
Liv: Good night love.
Liv wakes up in the middle of the night and hears the shower going.
Liv: Babe?
Shady: Get dressed we r headed to the hospital.
Liv: Why?!
U walk out soaking wet.
Shady: I woke up and my hand were numb I have a fever and if I look up I get sick Plus a real bad stomach bug.

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