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It's been 2 weeks and Liv and u get invited to a Party.
Liv: Babe u ready.
Shady: Yep.
U guys get to the boat.
Sonya: Hey guys. Shady why u wearing a hoodie it's 80 degrees
Shady: U will see.
U guys get on
Nattie: Hey guys
Jimmy: Hey uce
Jey: What up uce
Shady: sup guys
Jey: U got ink?
Shady: Yea
U take off your jacket
Nattie: Wow that's beautiful.
U show your arm
Jey: That's actually cute
Shady: Thanks she was having doubts about us I had to make sure that I'm the one and only
Ricochet: HEY
Shady: Can it u Twinkie .
U sit down
Jey: So what did u guys talk about exactly?
Shady: well she said what would I do if someone was going after them I said if some touches my family they will be dead before they hit the ground and the other was would I break my sobriety in order to save them I looked her dead in the eyes and said I'm kissing u than Taking a shot.
Jey: See he's the one no matter u think he will always love you.
Shady: Sometimes to much.
Liv: what?
Ruby: Back in NXT Enzo was looking at u and saying some very inappropriate stuff.
Shady: So I walked over and broke his nose.
TJ: Bill tried to defend his friend but I had his back.
Shady: I've been here waiting just took u forever to see.
She smiles.
Liv: When I heard that u got into a fight I was mad at you. Because I was going to ask u out but u got suspended so I decided not to.
Shady: Oh that stings
Jey: Why?
TJ: Because we were all originally supposed to be fired. But Nat talked them down to a suspension.
Liv: Thank u Nat . I need my man with me on the road.
Shady: tbh if I got fired I would have gone into music more.
Jey: Don't u make music anyway?
Shady: I mean like full time.
TJ: Hey sing us the song u made Liv that night.
Shady: God I don't think I remember the lyrics
Jey: Come on Uce
Shady: chill let me think.
After about 6 Minutes of silence
Shady: Got it TJ guitar.
He tosses u it
Shady: Bro I almost killed u. Never toss me this again.
TJ: It's fun
Shady: Nattie your husband is crazy.
Tj: I'm friends with u.

Liv is crying.
Nattie: Shady tell us about how u first feel in love with Liv.
Shady: We were at the 2018 royal rumble. I was talking to TJ and Dolph. And Liv walks by and all filter gone my words were Holy hell I'm christen but the things I'd let that girl do to me. Dolph just started laughing his ass off.
U walk over and TJ immediately covers my mouth.
I flip both them off and walk to my seat.
Jey: Is that the rumble where u attacked after?
Shady: I'm getting there. So attack shin after and I get to the back but for some odd reason Vince hated it. I didn't understand.
Liv: Turns out he forgot a line he was supposed to say.
Shady: I go to my locker room and grab my stuff. I'm heading out and I see a tweet from Liv say Saw the hunter up close He's not bad he's just wild #Livitup.
Liv: My turn I actually heard u talking about me and it was kinda funny but also really hot. I walk over to say hey meet me at the hotel but u walked off.
Shady: God I love you but it's making me hurt so much. The thought of having you before that way  you didn't have to deal with that reject tella tubby.
Liv laughed
Liv: Don't worry we have each other now.
Shady: And u were worried I was going to leave you. Baby I'm all and only yours.
Liv: Prove it
Shady: We r in public
She blushes and looks down
Jey: Hehe that's my boy
Liv: I meant-

Shady: Like that?
Liv: exactly.
U whisper in her ear
Shady: Seriously tho when we get home it's time.
She smiles.
She whispers back
Liv: Yes daddy
U blush
Shady: That's not fair.
Liv: Never said I was going to play fair.
Shady: Now that's not nice princess.
She blushes and falls into your chest.
Jey: She good?
U look up
Shady: Yea she's fine she's just waiting for dessert later
She smacks your arm
Shady: I meant actual desert like cookies or ice cream.
She whispers
Liv: it  still sounds like sex
Shady: Cause it is
She blushes
U get a call
Shady: Hello?
Hunter: Hey we need u for smackdown.
Shady: I'm kinda busy today.
Hunter: Please AJ got hurt and we need someone to face him for the title.
Shady: Sure I'll see u later.
He hangs up.
U slam your fist on the couch
Shady: A day off is all I fuckin ask.
TJ: U good?
Shady: No AJ got hurt and now they want me to face him tonight.
Jey: Hey u might win.
Shady: Dudes on a thousand day plus reign no way they r making him drop the belt to me.
After 3 hours u get to the arena.
U get a phone call.
Liv: Hey babe
Shady: Hey u.
Sonya: we r at the house rn watching it waiting for you.
Shady: Thanks also watch the promo package. Love u guys.
Sonya: Love u too
Liv: Be careful please.
Shady: I'll try. Watch me
U hang up
Liv: Oh look
Roman: Welp AJ is out so I'm done- actually no I want to face Shady Murphy he's been a pain in my ass since he made his return. He won the rumble but now he wants to face me guess what if u face me your going to have to live with the fact that you're son is going to grow up without a dad.
The camera cuts
Liv: That son of a bitch
Shady: ROMAN I heard what I said about my son. And I'll admit he will grow up without a dad.
Liv: what?
Shady: He will grow up with the best mother in the world and with me the most stubborn son of a bitch there is. U want to bring my family into this just remember when u bring them into it it gets personal and I won't mind being on the self for 3 months to a year if it means I can show my son and my wife hey look daddys not the disappointment that everyone thinks he is that frankly I think I am. I want my wife to tell everyone look that's my husband. U want me to acknowledge you fine I acknowledge you.
Liv: Don't do this
Shady: I acknowledge you as the man who will go down as shady Murphys bitch!
U walk off and the segment ends
Sonya: Omg I have chills.
Liv: That was amazing.
Main event time

U 5 walk out
Adam: We will be ring side just in case.
U nod
U guys make your way down.

He enters the ring.
Roman: lay down
U lay down
shady: Trust me. Actually wait before u pin me I want to say one thing SUCK IT
U jump.up and hit a superkick
Adam: Now that's undisputed.
After 30 minutes
Roman goes for a Superman punch but u turn it into a death note.
U get up real quick and hit a oblivion.
Kick out
U jump up and get ready for a frog splash
U jump but Roman spears u and u hit the Matt hard.
Liv: Oh no
Sonya: He's done.
Roman goes for another spear
U jump up and hit a death note
Ue join u in the ring
U start to cry
Adam: U did it we fuckin love you bro.
U get up and tap your tattoo
And mouth
Shady: this is for u guys I love you.
The locker room emptys
And everyone joins the celebration
Seth hugs u
Seth: u deserve it.
U get home and r tackled by Sonya and Liv
Liv: Look at my man as champ
Shady: Careful please back hurts
Sonya: U ok?
Shady: Yea I'm good it's just taking his spears hurt like no tomorrow

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