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It's been 10 months since everything and it's time for war games.
Liv: Be careful please.
U look at her and smile
Liv: Babe
Oscar: I'll be fine I promise.
U grab the world heavyweight championship
Oscar: I have u to come home too.
U start the match with Finn
U guys start throwing hands
Finn hits a back suplex on steel.
After 30 minutes u r on top of the cage when

U guys r celebrating when u hear something that pissed u off

U guys get to the back
U shake everyones hand but u come face to face with punk
Punk: Hey kid
Oscar: Hey old man.
Cody and Jey stand up
Jey: We good uce?
Oscar: I'm good it's him that is the problem. We have been building up this place for the past 3 years since u decided to stop being a bitch and come back. U seriously think I'm going to lay down and watch u tear down everything we have built together then u have another thing coming.
Sami: Hey hey easy.
Liv walks up
Liv: Babe relax.
Punk: Do u need your girlfriend to protect you?
Liv: Hey this is between u two leave me out of this.
Punk: My apologies.
Jey: Oscar take a walk
U walk off
Liv: What was that?
Jey: Oscar is pissed off that's what.
Liv: Why?
Sami: If u r asking why then u don't know him at all.
Punk: It's because-
Jey: Hey u finish that sentence I will finish what Jack started.
U walk back over
Oscar: Hey hey no u told me to take a walk ok now it's your turn just leave it be.
The boys walk off
Punk: Look at u being a locker room leader.
Oscar: U know I actually have to thank you.
AJ Lee: Really?
Liv: Really?
Oscar: Yea when he came back I told myself. The game changed so will I and I became the most valuable person in the Indies since well u. I became a top player everywhere I've been working. So I must thank you without u coming back I wouldn't have kicked into overdrive and won this or met her.
U extend your hand.
Punk: I like u kid it's good to see you but when we fight it's not mentor vs protege-
Oscar: It's going to be the best in the world Cm punk vs the best kept secret Oscar Murphy.
U guys hug instead
AJ Lee: Hopefully this is behind us?
Oscar: yea I'm good just if we do a promo battle no Liv stuff.
Punk: No AJ stuff
Oscar: Deal
U and Liv walk off
Liv: Hey u ok?
Oscar: I'm perfect.
Liv: U need some time off.
Oscar: I'm good.
Liv: do I need to remind you of the conversation u and Adam had?
Oscar : what do you want from me baby?
Liv: think about your no our future. What happens when you can't pick up me or our kid when we have one.
Oscar: Ok ok I get it. Look I'll call Hunter in the morning.
Liv: No now.
U get up but u collapse
Liv: We need HELP.
Punk walks in
Punk: Hey u good?
Oscar: No my back.
A trainer and Hunter walks in.
Doc: Back?
Liv: Yea
Punk: Careful
Hunter: U r taking time off.
Liv:Thank God. I'm going to need help with the baby.
Oscar: Excuse me?
Liv: I'm pregnant
U just lay your head down.
Liv: Your not happy?
Oscar: Oh no I'm happy as hell it's just I can't feel my hands so I can't spin u around and kiss u to death.
Punk: Congrats kids.
Hunter: We need to talk about the world heavyweight championship.
Oscar: Take it. We can just do a summer a punk type deal when I'm ready
Liv: We r going to be parents.
U guys smile.

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