starting again

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It's been 2 years and u get called out
Pentagon: Shady u have been out for years now it's time for u time back so I can end u permanently.
Liv: So what do u think.
Shady: u will find out tonight.
U guys to raw
Hunter: So?
Shady: Just get me a mic.
Cathy: Seth-
U walk in
Shady: Look I love you buddy but can I?
Seth: Sure
Shady: Lucha brothers u pocked the bear I was fine being retired. Liv was happy my son was happy but now u want to wake the best kept secret guess what u got it u 2 vs me and a-
Seth: Me. U wake up the beast so now u get both Us WE R HAVOC.
Shady: See u boys in a ladder match.
U guys walk out
Seth: Let's do this man.
It's Sunday All out
Liv: Becaful please.
Shady: Always
The Lucha brothers make there entrance first.

U guys walk out

U see Santana and Ortiz
U guys get helped to the back
Pentagon: Hell of a match brother
Liv starts smacking Pentagon.
Shady: Hey hey easy
U pull her off
Shady: Touch my chest
She does as u say.
Shady: U feel my heart beating?
Liv: Yea
Shady: It beast for u. I'm ok just a few cracked ribs that's it.
Seth: All I got is a broken finger
Rey: a cut on my back
Pentagon: A cut on my arm
Shady: See baby we r all fine nothing to serious. I love you baby. didn't mean to scare you.
Liv: It's ok just don't do it again
Santana: I can't wait come home brother
Santana and Ortiz hug u
Shady: I missed u guys
Ortiz: We missed you
Santana: I see the ring and no invite?
Shady: Sorry I thought since our fight u guys were done with me.
Santana: U r our brother we fight so what. No matter what you we r together.
Liv: Hi I'm Liv
Santana: Mike Santana
Ortiz: Names Ortiz
Liv: Your Lax
Santana: Yep now Shady give us your signature song papi
U smile
Shady: As u wish

Liv smiles
Shady: I don't want this to end. Ortiz Santana Seth Penta Rey what u guys say we make a group all 7 of us
Santana: I get papi back I'm down
Ortiz: u already know baby
Pentagon: Yea why not
Rey: Absolutely
Seth: I'm in the middle of a single thing
Shady: I will obviously be there but this group is to have each other's backs even if we having problems with each other no matter what we will stand together.
Liv: I like that idea
Shady: U will be our on screen manger
Liv: What about back stage
Shady: If there is a problem I will handle it. These 5 r my brothers.
Santana: I think I've slept in a bed with him almost more than my old lady
Shady: same but she's passed u .
Liv: Mine
Shady: Absolutely
U kiss her neck
Liv: Hey no
U laugh
Shady: Well I don't about u guys but I'm hungry
Seth: We can see
Shady: Oh I'm always hungry for Liv but I meant real food
Liv: BABE!
Shady: I didn't do anything.
U guys change
Santana: First thing that comes to mind taco Bell
Shady: Bet
Liv records u

Liv: How about ours
Shady: Hm!
Liv: Lest redo our vowels
Shady: Oh absolutely.
U kiss her
Liv: I love you so so much.
Shady: I love you too baby. Now what did u do.
Liv: I hate how well u know me. All I want is for u to be careful. Also I saw this new couch since ours is well hanging on by a thread.
Shady: I'll think about it.
U guys get to dinner
Seth: Ok it's 12:30 Am
Shady: I feel great but Seth here is a baby and needs his sleep. So u guys want to do lunch instead?
Santana: Yes I'm good with that.
Ortiz: I get to hang with you idc when we do it.
Pentagon: Me and Fenix r with them
Shady: Ok we will see u later
U guys get home and u end up falling asleep
11:30 am u wake up
Liv: my man
Shady: My lady. I love you so much baby.
Liv: I love you too babe
After a few hours u r changing
U hear the boys walk in
Ortiz: YO
Shady: We will be down in a sec!
U get there and immediately started singing to lift your mood.

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