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It's been 2 months since everything happened.
Liv: It's been 2 months Ruby and he's not going to good.
Ruby: He's going through something right now. He just had surgery and u guys r expecting. He's exhausted.
Liv: But I need him
U come walking down
Shady: Who do u need?
U grab some food
Liv: I need u baby I understand that you r in pain but I need u to step up.
Shady: I'm trying everything I can honey.
Ruby: Ok enough.
U set down your food and look down.
Shady: please god I've been through this before I can't survive a second time.
Liv: U know what I'm done.
She walks out.
Ruby: I'm sorry.
Shady: It's ok just be there for her she needs u more and lmk if anything happens. I will always support her no matter what happens after this.
Ruby walks out.
For the next 6 months u work on healing and your music.
Liv: I really need him
Ruby: He's at his place.
Sarah: I'll come with you and I'll bring Erik.
There arrive and hear u singing.
Shady: Paid my dudes.
U hear a knock u up the door and smile
U wave and invite them in
Aaliyah: Come on sing it.
Dom: yea come on dude.
U pull out 3 chairs for the ladies.
Liv: Thank you dear.
Ruby: Thanks shade
Sara: Thanks dude.
U see the baby sitting next to Liv
Shady: U had the baby?
Liv: yea I tried to call u the day of but u must have been busy.
Shady: When ?
Liv: 2 weeks ago.
Shady: Dom I'm going to kill u.
Dom: easy I thought she wanted to get back together.
Shady: What is rule number 1 when it comes to my phone.
Dom: No matter what if Liv pops up on your phone Awnser.
Shady: Especially after that night u always awnser her damn calls
Liv: What happened?
Shady: About 3 days after u left I was working on some stuff in the living room when the bookcase fell. It landed on me and I was pinned down for 3 hours. I had my phone I called Dom he and Seth got over here and helped me out. I thought I was going to die so I wrote out a entire paragraph for you but I never sent it.
Liv: Why?
Seth: His phone died.
Liv: Can we just get to the song.

The baby starts crying
U pick him up and lay on the couch with him Liv pulls out her phone.
Shady: who's my baby.
He giggles.
Shady: What u laughing at?
He smacks u
Shady: I was expecting that.
Liv: He has your eyes
Everyone leaves u and Liv alone
Ruby: Come on Oliver momma and Daddy need to talk.
She picks him up.
Liv: I miss you.
Shady: I miss you too baby.
Liv: Why don't we give this another shot.
Shady: I mean if I get to wake up to this work of art count me in.
U kiss her
Shady: But I need to get ready for work.
Liv: What?
Shady: Don't worry I'll be back tomorrow morning.
U get to work
???: Ready?
Shady: Yes

The crowd goes off.
U get in the ring
Shady: Now hold on guys
U look into the camera
Shady: Liv Oliver I know you r watching I love you both and I'll be home soon. Now into why I am here. I have good news and bad news.
The crowd boos
U hear the Ue music
U see All 4 walk out then the split and u see Liv walk out with them
They get in the ring and hug u.
Shady: May I continue.
Adam: Yea
Shady: For about 6 months I was battling if I wanted to tell anyone this but I'm going to anyway about 6 months ago I almost died.
I was pinned and I couldn't breathe. After that for 2 months straight if I was in a car for more than 10 minutes I would and sometimes get sick. I think Aaliyah posted a photo of it on her Instagram.
Adam: Yea it was walked into my best friend not breathing send your well wishes.
Shady: It got so bad for like 10 weeks straight I would get up pacing back and forth anxiety eating me alive. Ruby would wake up and say Omg r u ok? And I would look at her with a tear in my eye and say I don't know what's happening to me.
U stop to catch your breath.
Shady: But neither did u guys. Liv I'm going to need you for this one
She walks over and u put your arm around her waist.
Shady: I don't care if Oscar never wrestles I just want him to be ok. And that means the world to us. But now for the bad news
Liv looks down
U kiss her cheek
Shady: But the bad news isn't for me.
The Ue looks shocked.
Shady: The bad news is for the WWE locker room because Shady Murphy is BACK.
Liv hugs u.
Shady: I've done a lot of great things here but let's be honest I've barely scratched the surface of what I'm capable of. One man is going to be on top of the mountain here in WWE and his name.
The crowd: MURPHY CRAZY.
The Ue hug u.
Cm punk runs out and attacks u.
U guys get pulled apart but punk kicks u in the head.
U drop
Liv runs over
Liv: Hey hey u ok?
Shady: I'm seeing double
U sit in the corner with a mic while the Ue and Liv r on the outside.
Punk:Kid u admit to your sins today and I'll leave you alone.
Shady: What sins?
Punk: That u were unhappy with Liv?
Shady: First off none your business second use proper grammer.
Punk: She is nothing more than Enzos sloppy seconds.
U get up
Shady: Ok mother fucker now u got my attention!
That walking light bulb might have had her first but who has her now. Me and we have a kid together plus one day she will be my wife. But that's someday isn't today. U want me to be honest fine I was pissed off when she left me I just got done with back surgery and I had her down my throat but I don't blame her. I spent 3 days sitting in my room no sleep thinking about what do I do without her because she's my soulmate. I took the thought that I may never hold my son because of my actions so I got my shit together I've been  alcohol and drug free for more than 6 years. It was a awful 6 months not waking up the the sound of her voice or her screaming at her friends when shes on the phone. That is love.
The crowd cheers
Shady: There's the truth but I'm telling u this now.
U get in his face
Shady: If u even say one word about my son or wife again so help me god I make u wish your old ass stayed retired.
The Ue get in the ring
Punk leaves and u guys head to the back
Shady: Where's Oliver?
Liv: Ruby-
U run grab him and hug him slightly.
U fall to your knees
Liv: Hey what's up?
Shady: Seeing double plus that sloppy seconds thing scared me.
Liv: why the ladder?
Shady: Thought of losing you again or losing this guy.
Liv: We r forever. So wife huh?
Shady: Normally id say sorry I didn't mean it but I did it has a nice ring to it and so will u.
Liv: Smooth.
Ruby: Give my nephew back.
U hand back oliver
Shady: daddy will be right back.
U hug Ruby from behind
Shady: Thank you for everything.
U kiss her forehead.
U go change into your gear.
U walk back
Liv: Hello daddy.
Shady: Hi honey. I see we have noticed the muscle gain plus the 6 pack.
Liv: Oh the damage u could do with those.
Shady: Don't worry babygirl you will see soon enough.
U give her a kiss
Shady: Time for me to go to work.
U grab your world heavyweight championship.
Liv: Babe you're not champ anymore.
Shady: Just watch
U walk out to the ring

U walk to the back
Liv: Omg that was amazing.
Shady: Didn't even break a sweat baby.
Liv: Ngl it was kinda hot.
U whisper in her ear
Shady: Did I make u horny baby?
Liv: U have no idea.
Shady: This time u r on the pill so we r good.
Liv: Yea no second kid any time soon.

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