Road block

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U have been distant since the rumble.
Santana: Hey u good?
Shady: Yea just been distracted.
U put on a fake smile and walk out.
U warm up
Ortiz: Hey mind if I come out with you.?
Shady: I don't care anymore.
U walk off and grab your entrance jacket.
Liv: Don't take it out on them.
Shady: They didn't ask for a divorce.
U walk off
Ortiz: What?!
Liv: I asked for space.
It's you vs Dolph Ziggler.
The match starts and u spear him immediately.
U grab him hit a death note 1-2-3
And immediately walked to the back.
Dolph: The hell man!
Shady: I don't have a problem with u Nic don't start one.
Dolph: Oh we have a problem!
Ortiz and Hunter walk over.
Ortiz: Hey shady come on.
Hunter: Shady your suspended.
U just walk off.
Few weeks later it's FastLane
Roman is celebrating his win when the lights go out.
On the tron it's says
The demon is at bay So it's time to choice.
The lights come on and u hit a death note on Roman.
Shady: Keep that title warm for me because Daddy is coming home.
After the seg u guys r back stage.
Roman: I'm proud of you shady.
U smile.
U see Liv
Roman: She still not talking to you?
Shady: Nope. She didn't even acknowledge me.
Hehe I just noticed that
Roman giggled
Roman: Did u write a song? It's your thing.
Shady: Yep. Nothing.
Roman: Sing it.
Shady: U know I hate singing Infront of the boys.
Ortiz: Bull
Havoc walks up.
Shady: My brothers
U guys hug.
Shady: Ok ok
U sit on a crate

Roman: God bless.
Rey: Killed it man.
U smile
Liv walks over
U don't say anything.
Liv: Guys
They walk off.
She pulls your head up
U look into her eyes
She kisses u slightly.
U move your hair.
Liv: Why did you move?
Shady: It's was to the guest bedroom.
Liv: I know but why didn't you fight?
Shady: Because u wouldn't talk to me or even look at me Gionna.
Liv: Excuse me?
Shady: Yes I said your name. Look I wasn't going to fight because I wasn't sure if there was something to fight for.
Liv: There is. Us OLIVER!
Shady: Easy! This is why.
Liv: Then sign the papers.
She walks off.
U guys get home.
The next morning u wake up and make breakfast.
Oliver: Hey dad
Shady: Hi buddy. Mom awake?
Oliver: Yea she's on the phone.
Shady: Okay.
U give him his breakfast.
Oliver: Thanks pops
U walk into livs room
Liv: Yea we r good. Oh here he is
She puts it on speaker.
Ruby: Hey Oscar
Shady: Gionna breakfast.
U walk out.
Ruby: The hell?
Liv: I'll explain later.
She hangs up and walks out.
Liv: Hey where's your dad?
Oliver: Music room
She walks in

U smile.
Liv: Hey
U look up and get annoyed.
Liv sits u down and locks the door.
Shady: Gionna-
Liv: Please just one last kiss.
U kiss her.
Shady: Any way we can fix this?
Liv: No unfortunately not.
U start to tear up.
Shady: There has to be. I love you more than anything else. We have to find a way.
Liv: OSCAR! There isn't I'm sorry.
U grab your phone and walk to your room.
The next day.
Ortiz walks into your room.
Shady: Yo-
Ortiz: We r going to hangout today all day let's go.
Shady: I've got nothing to do.
U take a shower and get dressed.
Liv: Hey shady?
Shady: What's up?
Liv: I was wondering if I could get your help.
Shady: Of course. Give me a bit.
U walk out with Liv.
After a bit u walk back in.
Ortiz: U good?
Shady: Yea let's go.
Liv: Be careful please.
U walk out ignoring her.
Ortiz: I don't care what happens fix this!
He follows.
U walk back in.
Shady: I forgot my ring.
Liv laughed.
Shady: I maybe mad but I'm still taken.
U wink and walk out.
Shady: 3-2
U point to the door and Liv and Oliver walk out.
Oliver: Let's go
Ortiz: Sorry but only us 2.
Shady: Then they can just follow us.
He nods
U guys head to the mall.
Ortiz:What happened?
Shady: I guess since I was busy thinking about who I wanted at maina I started thinking to much and now here we r.
Ortiz: U need her.
Shady: No I don't. Yes she's my anker but u fall in love more than once.
Ortiz: Do u hear yourself?!
U lower your head.
Shady: I'm going out of town. Tell Hunter and Liv that I'm sorry.
It's the raw before elimination chamber.
Liv: Your wondering where my husband is. I don't know. If u r out there-

U walk out.
U slide in the ring.
Shady: My lady.
She hugs u
Shady: Easy.
U push her off
Shady: That's something we can talk about later.
U take off your shirt
Shady: ROMAN. Daddy's back therefore WRESTLEMANIA IS BACK ON PRETTY BOY.
Ortiz: Hey.
U look up
Shady: Oh hey dude
U hug him
Ortiz: Why u-
U whisper something to him.
He nods and stands next to u.
Shady: OH MAMI
Suddenly Liv gets attacked.
Shady: See while I was out I found someone way better than you.
U pick up Liv
Shady: It should have been you that day I almost died.
The crowd boos
Shady: End her.
U guys get to the back.
Hunter: What was that!?
Shady: I have no idea what your talking about.
U walk off.
Liv: Where is he!?
They point
She runs and jumps on your back.
Shady: Hi baby.
Liv: IM GOING - what?
Shady: I said hi.
Liv: No after that.
Shady: Baby?
Liv: Yes babe?
She smirks
Shady: So we good now mi amor. Because I miss you and my bed.
She kisses u.
Liv: That awnser it?
Shady: Oh it's going to be a long night.
U r in the ring surrounded by the blood line.
Shady: Before we get started. Paul tell Liv I'm sorry.
U superkick solo.
They attack.
U r laying on the ground coughing up blood.
Liv runs out.
Liv: Stop please!
U grab a mic
Shady: That all you got?
Solo goes for a spike but u hit a low blow.
Jimmy goes for a headbutt but u throw him into Jey and hit a neck breaker.
Shady: God that's definitely a broken rib. Roman we r not done till I'm dead or that belt is with me.
Roman smiles
Shady: Watch me
He turns into a slap from Liv.
Shady: Baby move!
She moves and u hit a suicide dive.

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