My luck

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U r getting ready for a match against Jinder.
Liv: Hey
U ignore her and keep stretching.
Santana: Yo
U put on your jacket and mask.
U give Liv a quick kiss and walk off
Liv: I'm so confused.
Halfway through the match u bust your lip.
Liv: Oh that's not good.

U get to the back.
Jinder: U ok?
Shady: Dude I said to the moon Sault! But u had to have it
Santana: What's up?
Shady: It's nothing!
U get up but your knee buckles
Shady: damnit!
U punch a hole through a crate.
Liv: Hey hey.
U sit up
U put your hands in your face.
Shady: Why me.
Liv: Relax-
Shady: Don't
U get up
Santana and Ortiz help you to the trainers.
Doc: U have a torn MCL. U will be out for the year.
Shady: Thanks
He walks out.
Liv just sits there letting you think.
Shady: Why me?
Ortiz: Hey no we r not doing this again.
Shady: I'm not going to get into this again with u guys it's how we broke up in the first place.
About 3 months later u r in the ring for a promo.
Shady: As u guys know I've been out with a torn MCL. The day I tore it I was battling with survivors guilt. There was a big car crash about 4 years ago the day before I made my debut here in WWE I was in a car crash. The car that hit me had a 8 month old little girl. I was the only that survived.
Im fine I keep going for my wife and my son. But to hear a mother crying over a loss of her child.
I'm telling everyone if u have kids cousins nephews hell even if u have a kid haven't seen in a while because of problems with the other one go for it. When I got home after absolutely dropping ospray Oliver hugged me for 2 hours. I'm very grateful for being given a second chance at this. I'm a better father. I'm a better husband. I'm a better person.
U hear lax music.
U see all of havoc walk out.
Santana: Dude what is going on with you.
U sit there in your chair.
Seth: Yea man we miss you.
Shady: U don't get it! U 3 don't get it. I have to do this if I don't let the darkness consume me there will be nothing left.
Mjf: Dude please!
Liv slaps u
U hold your face
Liv: when u see the man I married let me know till then find somewhere else to stay.
She walks out.
U smirk
Shady: Now that the hard part is done. Here's the easy part I quit.
Ortiz: Hey-
U sit there
Everyone starts leaving.
U stop mjf
Shady: I have a message from wardlow. He's coming.
U drop the mic and walk out.
No one hears a word from u or Liv for about 3 months.
Liv is walking backstage
Ortiz: Hey mama
Liv: Hey guys have you heard from shady?
Mjf: Not since raw.
Later Santana and Ortiz r celebrating there win
When the lights go out.
They come back on and the see u and The Undisputed kingdom
Liv: Why!
Shady: They had it coming.
U walk to Santana.
Shady: I just got one thing to to say.
Ortiz: what!
Shady: U must be stupid if I'm turning on u.
U push of Santana and superkick wardlow.
U guys brawl
U see Liv in the corner with wardlow.
Shady: Not my wife!
U just go off with the left and rights
Shady: U ok baby!
Liv: Yea
Shady: Go get out of here or at least to the time keepers
She listens.
U see Ortiz set up for a street sweeper.
U pull him down and hit a DDT on Matt
Everyone from havoc is done but u Santana and Ortiz.
Shady: Na na na. We fight at elimination chamber. LAX vs any u 3 idiots.

(Your Seth Santana is Roman ortiz is Moxley)
U guys get backstage u ignore everyone and hug Liv
Liv: Hey baby talk to me.
U don't respond and just stand there.
Liv: It's ok
Shady: Holy fuck.
Liv: U ok?
Shady: We tore the fuckin house down.
She smiles
Shady: I just really needed my wife
She kisses u
Shady: I'm sorry. I've been blinded by my rage for my injury I took it out on you and I'm so sorry-
She kisses u to shut u up
It's a few weeks later Liv is out with the girls and u r out with the boys (Don't worry Oliver is with Rhea and Murphy) u decide to surprise Liv.
U sneak up
Liv: He's the best I'm so glad I married him-
U surprise her with a kiss
U block the view with a hat
Liv: Mmm hello handsome. U haven't kissed my like that since our wedding anniversary.
Shady: What happened 9 months later?
Liv: I see your point.
Seth: Santana no.
Ortiz Shady!
Shady: 5 seconds lady's
Shady: Go to the girls
U pull Rey and Santana to Liv.
Shady: We r here to have fun and relax.
Rey: Dude why my mask!?
Shady: Easy
Santana: I'm sorry I'm just not feeling it
Seth: Jesus
Shady: Ortiz u sober?
Ortiz: Not really
Shady: (in Italian) I just want some time to relax.
Seth: Oh he's pissed
Shady: fine Santana I'll drive u home. But when we meet up again tomorrow for u know what u better apologize to Rey.
Santana: Yes papi
Rey: Thanks
Shady: Anything for a brother
Liv: I'm coming.
Shady: I'll be back
Rey: Havoc let's go
Everyone gets up and leaves
U Santana liv Rey and Ortiz r all in the car.
Santana: I want to do some singles stuff.
Ortiz: Ok go for it.
Shady: Nobody will stop u dude. U can still tag if u guys want. Look this group was formed to keep brothers and sister together. When I saw Liv and Rey hanging out the.other day they looked happy.
Rey: What?
Shady: I was hanging with ortiz and we saw u guys. Anyway I made the group so we know we have people to have our backs. I will always have everyones back especially u Santana and Ortiz.
U guys have been there since day one when I started in impact u Helped me become me.
Ortiz: Yea so it's cool if u want to do singles stuff.
Shady: Ortiz if u want I can tag with u if your not ready to go back to being a solo.
Ortiz: Fuck yea man
Liv: we r family.
Rey puts on a song

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