Hurt and Betrayed

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It's the smack down after royal rumble and u hear something u weren't supposed to.
Aaliyah: Mom how am I supposed to tell him I was pregnant with his kid but I had a miscarriage.
Mom: U find a way.
U put headphones in and walk in
Oscar: She said do u love me I said love my bed and my mom's I'm sorry
Aaliyah: Baby I'm on the phone.
U pretend not hear and grab a few things and your car keys.
Aaliyah: Where u going?
U just walk out
U get to the arena.
Seth: Hey u ok?
Oscar: No I need to talk to u. Meet me in my locker room.
U guys head to your room.
Oscar: Aaliyah had a miscarriage.
Seth: I didn't know she was pregnant.
Oscar: That's the problem me either I accidentally heard her talking to her mom so right now I want nothing the do a Mysterio unless it's Rey.
U r getting ready for your promo.
Rey walks in.
Rey: Hey Aaliyah said u left her at the house
Oscar: Did u know about the miscarriage?
Rey: Yes I did.
Seth: Leave.
U throw on your jacket and hat.
Seth: I'll come with you.
U guys leave for gorilla.
Aaliyah: What is going on.
Rey: Think about this.
Oscar: I have get your shit out of my house were done.
U guys walk out to the ring.
Oscar: Man It feels so good to be home.
The crowd cheers
Oscar: Now before I get started Rey and Dom if I see u again I will tear u lim from lim until your bleeding like stuffed pigs.
Buddy: What did u do to piss him off so bad.
Aaliyah: I lied to him about something big.
Back to u.
Oscar:Now on to business Roman reigns that universal championship is coming home with me.
U hear Reys music and see them walk out.
Oscar: NO cut it off.
The crowd boos
Oscar: This is my time ok so go to the back.
Rey: what happened to you when u went to Japan?
Oscar: I went to free myself because I lost someone I loved and I get home to a bunch of lieing people to me about something I should have known about. I'm going to say this clearly so even your old ass can understand I want nothing to do with you guys anymore. Actually better yet how about Dom grows a set and he faces me in a hell in a cell match next week.
Aaliyah: Oscar think about this -
Oscar: SHUT UP. I WAS SUPPOSED TO TRUST U BUT I GUESS IT WAS A LIE. Also I heard your little conversation this morning. I'm mad because u didn't tell me. It was supposed to be ours.
U toss the mic and walk to the back.
Seth: He had a right to know.
Seth follows u.
U r walking back and forth.
Seth: Hey relax
Liv Morgan walks over
Liv just hugs u.
Oscar: Thank you.
Liv: Anything for you.
Rey and the walk back
Oscar: How am I supposed to go home and look at everything the same.
Seth: Hey relax ok.
Aaliyah walks over.
Liv and Seth walk away.
Aaliyah sits down.
Oscar: U know I have a bad back right.
U sit down any
She it's in front of you
U pull her into your lap.
U start to break
Oscar: I'm sorry I didn't it.
Aaliyah: Shhhh it's ok babe I know.
U hug her
Oscar: I love you so much I'm so sorry.
Aaliyah: I love you too babe.
Oscar: So what do u want to eat
Aaliyah: Tacos but let's just sit here for a bit.
She starts to cry
Oscar: shhh it's ok baby girl.
U get a idea

Aaliyah: even though this our love is still as strong as the day we first started dating.
After a while u guys get up.
U r changing and decided to sing thinking u were alone.

Aaliyah: nice voice babe.
Oscar: Sorry thought I was alone.
Aaliyah:it's ok. How about we go on a vacation.
Oscar:What about work.
Aaliyah:They just on screen suspended u for your little conversation. And hell in a cell is next month.
Oscar:Ok but I choose.
After 30 hours u guys get to the Bahamas.
Oscar: My day welcome to the Bahamas where we live in a villa we can have breakfast in the pool. Plus we sleep over water.
Aaliyah: Your so sweet.
U guys chill in the swimming pool and eat lunch

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