let lose

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It's Been 3 weeks since everything happened and u r chilling at the house. Havoc walk in
Shady: Ay what's up guys
Santana runs and hugs u taking u to the floor.
Shady: Oh shit. Hey buddy I see we missed me.
Santana: U have no idea.
U guys get up and have a big group hug.
Shady: Guys I'm fine I promise.
Ortiz: we brought a few people.
Bryan and Eddie walk in
Shady: Eddie
Eddie: Oscar
U smile
Shady: What's up bro
U guys hug
Eddie: U scared everyone on raw. One minute u r kicking ass with Santana which by the way amazing match then u r getting stretched out of the arena.
Shady: Yea scared me too last thing I remember is hugging Santana then im waking up here.
Ortiz: Damn.
Bryan: Brie and birdie send there get well soons.
Shady: Thanks so besides me scaring everyone in wrestling what's up.
Ortiz: We got a match
Shady: Cool.
Bryan: It's anarchy in the arena.
U stop and look up
Shady: Give me a sec.
U walk upstairs and go talk to Liv
U see her the phone
Liv: Hey I got to go.
Shady: That's dori?
Liv: Yea
Shady: Stay on maybe she can help. The boys r here and they r telling me we have a match.
Liv: Oh Against?
Shady: J.A.S. it's also anarchy in the arena.
shady: Hey sh-
U hear crying
Shady: I got him
U go take care of Oliver
20 minutes later
Liv: Ok so What-
She sees u talking to Oliver while he's sleeping.
Shady: Daddy will be here for u always.
U walk out.
Liv: Babe wait
U stop
Shady: Look I love you -
Liv: Do the match
Shady: Really?
Liv: Yes I see How much u want to.
Shady: I'll be done for the year.
Liv: Ok I trust you
U guys get to raw

Shady: Hey Eddie chill
He shoves u down
Eddie: Damnit yo Oscar I didn't mean it.
He goes to help u up
U look at his hand and slide out of the ring.
Bryan: Look at what u did
U grab a mic and slide back in
U slap Eddie and Bryan.
Ortiz: Hey your heart relax.
Santana: Hey see what you made papi do. We r with Shady get it together.
U guys leave the ring.
U head to the trainers to make sure your ok.
Doc: Yea your good.
U walk out.
Liv: U ok?
Shady: Yea just needed to make sure I wasn't about to drop again. Wanted to be safe.
Havoc walk up.
Santana: U good papi?
Shady: Yea I'm good
U see Bryan and Eddie arguing.
Shady: Ok that's enough
U take off your shirt
U walk over and superkick Bryan.
Eddie: Hahaha
U look at him.
Eddie: sorry
Shady: I'm going to say this once more. Figure this out or your out. we can find someone else
Bryan: U can't hit me!
Shady: I just did u guys r my brothers but I'm sick of this. Figure it out or your out.
U walk back over
Santana: Normally it's Liv line but that was hot.
Ortiz: I agree.
Pentagon: We have the tag champs Sunday
Seth: I face the world heavyweight champion.
Shady: Look at us all of us in major matches.
Liv: And we do it as a family.
U smile and give her quick kiss.
Shady: Talk about something that will wake u up.
Santana: U talk about them like there from God himself.
Shady: I mean she's extremely hot plus have u seen her in the ring. I fall in love all over again when I wake up.
Liv: Plus I'm just that good.
Ortiz covers your mouth.
U Start laughing.
Shady: I swear u guys know me better than my own family.
U see a guitar and gasp
Santana: Holy fuck
U run to it
Roman: What's up
Shady: Nothing much my tribal chief. Anyone using this guitar?
Roman: Nope here
He gives it
Shady: This is why u r the tribal chief.
He smiles
U walk back
Shady: Hehe I got it
U sit on the crate

Santana: That was amazing
Shady: Thanks it was about my dad.
Liv hugs u
U kiss her forehead
Shady: I have everything I've ever wanted. A wife a kid brothers and sisters. Yes I'm looking at u Rey.
He laughed
Rey: Fuck u
Everyone laughed
Shady: U know I love you brother
U guys hug
Liv: To home papi
U blush
Shady: As u wish my queen
U r waiting backstage next week

U get backstage holding your knee.
Santana: Hey u good papi.
Shady: No I think I tore something.
Mjf walks up
Mjf: Hey u good buddy.
Shady: I'm not sure I heard a pop with the power slam.
Mjf and Santana Help u to the trainers
U guys see Liv in the corner crying and Enzo about to pull his pants down.
U sit and the just beat him up.
Mjf: We r havoc u fucked with the wrong people.
Shady: Get him out of here but what happens to him after he goes out that door isn't any of my business.
Mjf: I got this. U guys have families
Shady: And u have us.
He walks out.
Mjf: Come on u reject cigarette.
Liv runs and hugs u
U wince
Liv: Hey u ok?
Shady: i might be hurt but u need me u can stay like this all u want.
After a bit
Doc:Yea u slightly tore your MCL so u will be out of action for a month.
Mjf walks in
Mjf: Hey u ok
Santana: Slight MCL tear
Mjf: I'm so sorry Liv I didn't mean to hurt him
U pull him into a tight hug surprising everyone.
Shady: Listen to me this isn't your fault ok. We have a spot for u in havoc if u want in.
Santana: Hold up. U want him in.
Shady: Yea I do.
Santana: That's actually a great idea welcome home brother.
They hug.
Liv: Your lucky I love shady that much. Stay away from me.
U pull her close
Shady: Easy baby it's ok . It wasn't his fault.
Liv: I know but I'm just looking out for u.
Mjf: I understand. So when we telling the boys.
Shady: Wednesday because tomorrow I have plans.
U head to nxt

Shady: holy hell guys.
Juilice:Good to see u man.
Shady: Same. Hey if u guys ever need someone to back u up I got u.
Brutus: We got it. How's live and havoc
Shady: Liv being the best mom ever and we added a new member to havoc.
Brutus: Who?
Shady: u guys will find out on smackdown.
It's smackdown and everyone is in the ring.
Shady: OH BABY
Santana: YES SIR
everyone cheers
Shady: Now we have a new member. Only me, Liv and Santana know. So please let me introduce the newest member of havoc

The crowd loses it.
Mjf: Hey guys! Look I know some of u r upset. Why u with havoc is just a a bunch of lieing people. First off shut up second shady is my brochacho for life. He doesn't see my flaws he sees greatness.
U nod
Shady: U see this-

Shady: I swear to God I'm going to kick your ass.
U drop your stuff
Mjf: Hey hey hey!
Santana: THIS IS FAMILY Jimmy so speak or we let the dog loose.
Jimmy runs down

Shady: U messed up

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