The end

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U r stretching in the back with Liv watching
Shady: Tonight is my night. I don't care about the island or some story it's about my family. Roman Cody Philly is havoc country.
The camera crew leaves.
Liv: U can come out of charter there gone
Shady: I know just trying to focus Mami
Liv: Relax a bit babe. U still have a hour before u need to go out.
Shady: Ok I'll chill.
U lay down and pull her into cuddles.
Shady: how's little one treating you?
Liv: Give me a bit of trouble.
U look down.
Shady: Hey behave in there. Moma is trying her best ok so chill.
Liv kisses u.
Shady: Mmm. I can do this for 15 minutes.
Liv: Then let's
Later during the main event.
U go after Cody.
Shady: This is my time.
U stand in front of moma Rhoades and broadie
Broadie: Why go after Roman!
Shady: Trust me.
Mama: Do the right thing.
U get in and superkick Roman.
Shady: It's not my time. It's his
U hit a double stomp on Romans neck.
Cody: what u doing?
U slide out and stand on the ramp.
Everyone comes out
Jey checks on you
Jey: U good uce?
Shady: Yea how's Liv?
Jey: Proud of you.
U shed a tear.
U grab a mic
Shady: Normally id tell whoever is champion I got next but. I can't do this anymore. I have a family to focus on. Me and Liv r having another baby.
Everyone cheers
Shady: She said she wanted one.
U smile
Shady: But tonight was my send off I wanted to go out as champion but mama showed me the light.
So without further a do please put your hands together for the new WWE undisputed universal heavyweight champion CODY RHODES!
U set the mic down and Cody hugs u
Cody: U actually done?
Shady: I might have one left in me.
Cody: Backlash me and u.
Shady: Oh absolutely.
U guys shake hands.
U go to Seth
Shady: U ok?
Seth: Hurting a bit
Shady: How did it feel seeing Damion cash in on Drew
Seth: Vindication.
U smile and help him out.
U guys get to the back.
Liv hugs u
Shady: I have one more match. And that's backlash against Cody then I'm done.
Jey: For real?
Shady: Yea unless u want to run this one more time.
Jey: Shady and Jey the U
Shady: SO!
U guys hug
Shady: Looks like I'm sticking around for a bit longer.
Seth: I found something. It's u guys just being amazing

Shady:I'm so sorry man
Jey: It is tho
U guys laugh
Shady: Oh smackdown isn't ready
Liv: Come on babe Lest go.
U guys get home
Liv kisses you passionately
Shady: Mmmm. Someone is wanting to celebrate
Liv: Yes I do daddy
She takes off your shirt.
Shady: We can't go that far.
Liv: I know. How about a BBQ
Shady: I'll invite everyone.
HAVOC show up
Shady: Hey guys
U see Santana and Ortiz.
Oliver: I got it dad
He walks and pulls there hands to u
Oliver: Today is about having fun with family. So if u 2 start something I will finish it.
Santana: Understood.
Ortiz: Definitely Livs
U hear something
Shady: I made this for fun
Liv: Oh I love this one

Liv: Nope just u.
U smile and kiss her neck.
Shady: And I get to call u mine
It's raw

Shady: Wow babe relax.
Judgement day attack you.
Finn sets u up for a stomp on a chair.
Liv: No please stop!
He does anyway.
Liv checks on you.
Paramedics put u on a stretcher.
Next day
Liv post a video
Liv: Hey guys
She's crying.
Liv: Umm they said shady has a concussion and a bruised voice box and a crushed throat. He is currently asleep and has yet to wake up.
Later that day.
Havoc r chilling in your room
Santana grabs a trash can and goes to your side.
U throw up blood.
a doc runs in.
Doc: How u feeling?
Shady: My throat is fried and I'm puking blood it's self explained
Doc: Just take meds and have a ice pack on it.
A few days later.
Your at home cuddling your daughter
U make a video
Shady: Judgement day. U tried to kill me. So it's now war havoc and jd. War games. But if I see any of you. I will end u.
Bella: I got 2 wodz for Yea. Go dada
U smile and end the video.
Shady: I love you
Next week
Shady: We r going to new Jersey for a trip.
U guys get there.
Shady: Give me nightmare in a death match.
Grim: Okay.

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