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It's been 2 months and u have been working on your music.

Liv: Hey can u watch Oliver for a bit I need a shower.
Shady: Always baby go do your thing.
U grab Oliver.
Shady: What do u want to do?
He starts trying to sing
Shady: Music from dad got it.

Liv: hey babe -
She sees u asleep with Oliver asleep on your chest.
She grabs Oliver and puts him to bed
She lays next to u
Shady: I'm sorry
Liv: why babe
Shady: I haven't been the best lately.
Liv: it's ok
She puts her hand on your chest.
U kiss her
Liv: I love you babe
U smile
Shady: I love you too baby
The next day
Liv: What do u say we have a family day?
She looks up and sees u changing
Liv: Hello beautiful
U smirk
Shady: Down girl
U guys head out to the mall
U run into Seth and Becky
Seth: Hey guys
Shady: Hey
Becky: What u lass doing today?
Shady: Just shopping spending time together then gonna give liv a gift I've been working on.
Seth: Why not now?
Shady: I mean I'm ok with rn. Baby?
Liv: sure
U pull out your phone and start a beat

U kiss Liv and everyone cheers
Seth: ok  PDA
U giggle
Shady: sorry can't help it she's my kryptonite.
Liv: Awww babe
U smile
Shady: Come on we got more stuff to do.
After a while u r driving to lunch when

Liv:Babe they played your song.
Shady: yea
Liv: That's amazing
After a while she records u singing

Liv: Omg I love you.
Shady: I have a song for you. I wrote it when u left it's basically a song if u didn't return and moved on.
Liv: We r forever but sing babe
Shady: Never thought a phrase can be so wholesome and hot at the same time.

She wipes a tear
Liv: I'm never leaving this.
U smile
Shady: Good
Liv: What would u do if I died

Shady: We don't talk like that and if you do die then move over I'm coming with you.
I can't do this without you baby.
Liv: I love you too babe. Honestly u have me a new beginning.
Shady: anything for you.
Liv: I have a song

U smile.
Shady: oh when we get home.
She puts her hand on your abs
Shady: Babe I'm driving.

Unwanted  Liv Morgan X OcWhere stories live. Discover now