Royal rumble

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It's the smack down TLC
Rey: Hey u ready.
Oscar: Not really?
Rey: why?
Aaliyah trys to walk over but Dom stops her
Oscar: I've done so much for wwe and with u guys it's gonna feel weird just sitting here u know. Ever since I started I never took a break.
Rey: It will be ok.
U guys get ready.
Aaliyah: Hey everything ok?
Rey: He needs space.
U grab Aaliyahs hand
Rey: Oscar!
Oscar: Chill. Ok look tonight is big I'm facing Santos.
Aaliyah: That's all I wanted.
Oscar: Let's pray.
She grabs your hands
Oscar: Dear father please watch over Aaliyah for years and please watch over my match tonight.
Aaliyah: Amen
U head out.
As u r walking out Dom attacks u with a chair.
Rey walks out.
Rey:Dom stop!
Dominic: He tried to hurt Aaliyah.
Rey: U will get him in the ring another time.
U slowly get up and Dom swings the chair.

Rey: Dom enough!
He pushes him out the way and drags u to the steps

Rey runs over to check on you.
Rey: Hey u ok?
U don't respond.
Rey: please say something.
A bunch of refs and medical comes running out.
U start to stir.
Rey: hey u ok?
Oscar: to the back.
They get u to the back u immediately fall and clutch your neck.
Aaliyah goes to check on you but Buddy stops her.
Oscar: Rey figure this out or I do.
U get up slowly.
Buddy:Hey u ok?
Oscar: no I need support.
Seth: I got u buddy.
U shake your head.
Oscar: Jesus Christ that's going to be one hell of a head ache
Aaliyah breaks free and hugs u.
All the pain and emotions immediately go away.
Oscar: It's okay baby.
She cry's into your gear.
U take off your entrance jacket.
Oscar: There u can hear my heartbeat I'm still alive I'm not going anywhere.
Dominic comes walking around the corner.
Oscar: The hell was that man. All it was supposed to be was the back and my knee so I was out till rumble.
Dominic: I got heated about the match last week.
Oscar: So u try to kill me?!
Dominic: Look-
U start to sway.
Dom: Yo u go-
U collapse.
Seth grabs Aaliyah and pulls her into a hug so she doesn't see anything.
U get taken to the hospital.
After 30 minutes a doctor walks out.
Rey: How is he.
Doctor: He has a brain bleed and a minor concussion.
Aaliyah: I want to see him.
Rey: Go
She sees u down looking at your phone crying.
Buddy and Aaliyah walks in.
Buddy: Hey u ok?
U hand him your phone.
Buddy: No
Oscar : I could have stopped her.
U start crying again.
Buddy: I'll give u some space.
He walks out.
Aaliyah: What happened.

Aaliyah: Oh baby.
Oscar: I was supposed to be her person when she needed someone.
Aaliyah goes to grab your hand but u pull away.
Fast forward to the royal rumble match.
It's number 30 when all the lights go out.

U come walking out to the shock of everyone.
Oscar: Didn't see that coming.
U run into the ring and super kick Dom and throw him out.
Rey: Don't please.
U roll out and drag a chair and hit him as hard as possible.
U turn around and see Aaliyah
Oscar: Hi honey.
U get back in the ring
Rey: Why
Oscar: He had it coming.
Seth throws out Rey and u superkick out Seth to win
U get to the back and r greeted by everyone
Seth: I missed u buddy.
Oscar: Good to be back my Messiah.
Seth: Wait?
U put your finger like don't say anything.
U walk back and see Rey , Aaliyah and Dom.
Rey: Good to see you back.
Dom extends his hand
U laugh
Oscar: No chance.
Dom walks away.
Aaliyah: Oscar.
Oscar: Aaliyah.
Aaliyah: Where have u Been?!
Oscar: I've been working on me in Japan.
Aaliyah: U left me.
Oscar: I know baby and I never meant to hurt u.
Here u pull her into a hug.
Oscar:What was the last thing I said to you before I went to the hospital.
Aaliyah:There u can hear my heartbeat I'm still alive I'm not going anywhere.
Oscar: Exactly baby girl I'm here . Ok look I should have brought you with me or told u were I was going. But it was a spur of the moment type things but now I'm back and I'm not leaving unless u r with me.
Aaliyah: u mean it.
Oscar: Oh course.
She hugs u crying.
Oscar: I'm so sorry baby I love you.
She pulls away
Aaliyah: I love you too
U guys kiss
Oscar: U know if u can't sleep it means some is thinking about you. Baby let me sleep
She giggles
Aaliyah: never
Oscar:I actually remember I owe u a happy song.
Aaliyah: At the house.
U guys get home

Aaliyah: Never in my life would I hurt u on purpose.
Oscar: And I promise I will not hurt you on purpose.
Aaliyah: We need to talk about Dominic.
Oscar: No we don't I all have it all planned out

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