two. blood spill

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    Ari's head was clouded by the sounds of dancing bodies, loud drunks, and the smells of strong alcohol and sweat. It was almost overwhelmingly loud and crowded, so much so that all she wanted to do was hide.

The familiarity of it all was uncanny. She had felt this way before years earlier, but at the same time it felt different, she was older now than she was before, and had some type of control over herself and her emotions. This was new, control was something she usually never felt.

The others were having fun drinking, laughing and doing drugs, but she was on the couch beside Athena, just ready to get back to her dorm. She wished she could be like them, and that she could feel some type of freedom.

    "You guys in?" Andre held up a bag of powder for everyone to see, making sure that Ari knew she wasn't getting any by giving her a stern look, even if she didn't want it in the first place.

    "Is that cocaine?" Marie looked concerned.

     Jordan denied in a more joking approach, opposed to their approach with her earlier in the night. "We finished all the coke. It's molly."

Luke suddenly barged in, perhaps to seem more welcoming.

    "Hey I don't really fuck with powders, but I do micro-dose shrooms." He showed her his bag.

     "I'll take some of that." Athena said, already high off some of the weed Andre brought with them.

"My girl!" He handed her the bag, happy someone else was indulging in the shrooms too for once.

"So what do you say freshman?" Andre said in Marie's direction.

She looked around, as for someone to tell her not to.  "Umm. No thank you."

"You know, I could take my glove off and make you. I won't cause I'm all about consent, but I could so.. you should." Cate smiled, but her words made Ari feel a little uneasy. Her brothers friends were powerful, and dangerous, but at the same time so was she.

      Marie got a sudden boost of confidence, lifting her finger to her mouth, then placing it in the bag of Molly like Jordan did before. She licked the powder off her finger and made a face, as if it was the worst thing she had ever tasted.

     Everyone sorta cheered for her, all except Ari.

     "Now let's dance! Come on." Cate exclaimed after Marie washed it down with a glass of water, Athena happily agreeing to go with them.

     "I told you." Andre said taking a sip of his drink.

     Jordan could only agree. "Yea she's cool."

    "I seriously can't believe you guys got her to get into your drugged up lifestyles." Ari said, suddenly serious.

     "Do you know how to have fun at all?" Jordan threw back at her, probably tired of her constant criticism of them.

"Yea I don't have to be high or drunk out of my mind to have fun." She looked them straight in their eyes. She was lying, at least a little bit.

"Right, why don't you go dance or something without a drink and have fun for once."

    "Yea okay, fuck you." Ari got up to do the opposite of what she said fun was. She was going to drink. She knew what she said was a lie. She needed the alcohol for confidence.

    That was always what she did. She did the opposite of what she felt she should.

      Andre didnt expect her to do what he suggested, and much less did he expect her to drink. Ari and drinking didn't mix well after what happened.

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