twelve. want want

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Ari didn't want to go to class after the interrogation, but she knew she had to.

She had only been in the class for a few minutes before Ari walked in, having to talk to Shetty about Emma.

  "She knows something Jordan." Ari said to them, as they sat right beside her.

   "Okay, everyone, listen up. So I have a surprise for you. We are fortunate to have a guest lecturer who revolutionized the field in superhero crime fights so please welcome, a son of God U, Tek Knight." Dean Shetty pointed towards the back of the room where Tek entered with cameras following close behind him.

  Jordan looked uneasy, immediately giving Ari the sign that their interview was just as bad as hers.

  "My journey to four blockbusters and six people's choice began in this very class 20 years ago. Now I am eager to pass on my knowledge to the next generation. Today we will focus on interrogation techniques that I developed and for that I will need a volunteer." He introduced himself.

   Everyone raised their hands except for Jordan, Ari, and Marie, the only person out of the three of them that he hadn't interrogated.

  He pointed through out the crowd before he stopped at someone.

  "Marie Moreau. The guardian of Godolkin.. so Ms. Moreau, you stopped Golden Boy's rampage."

  "Not just me. There were others." She said.

  "Ari Anderson and her beloved brother Andre Anderson, Golden Boy's best friend, whom I notice, uh has skipped class today. The two of you make a good looking couple."

  "We're not together."

   He turned to the class. "When you start out, you want to establish a base line. And build a rapport. Ms. Moreaus body language is open and she's maintaining good eye contact.. walk me through that day." He stood up.

  "I went to see professor Brink. Luke had already killed him. We fought. He killed himself. I've told this story a lot."

  "But, uh.. not the whole story. Why were you going to see Brink?"

  "I wanted to discuss my class schedule."

   "Lie. Pupil dilation. See it?" He pointed them out with the class. "It's a classic sign. Why were you really there? Was it to talk about his distaste for you?" He let the silence speak for itself as he listened to her heartbeat. "Bulls-eye. Heart rate just elevated. Professor Brink only admitted students with impeccable qualifications into crime fighting. Your powers are um.. nasty. There's no way he would admit you."

  "And yet here I am." She said, even though she knew he was right.

  "Ah. So, not being good enough is a sore spot. What are you hiding? What do you know?"

  "Nothing." She tried hiding the look of fear.

  "He was going to expel you wasn't he?"

  "No." She denied.

   "Pretty convenient that he was deep fried that very same day. Were you in on it with Luke?"

  "No I didn't do anything."

  "Now or then?

  "Then. Now. Both." She panicked.

   "Which is it?"

   "I couldn't stop Luke. Yes I went to Brink's because he kicked me out. I saw Luke and I fucking ran. And the only reasons I'm still alive are because Jordan Li and Ari Anderson held him off long enough for me to get away. They're the heroes. Not me." She finally said the truth, but possibly at the worst time she could.

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