seventeen. a disapointment

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Ari couldn't explain the strange feeling overtaking her, it was as if she were inside a television show.

One moment they were watching Cate and Shetty through a window, and the next they were in one of Godolkins classrooms, as the professor, that she didn't seem to recognize, shut the tv that was playing from the center of the room, off.

"I haven't been to class in years." Dusty said, still standing as the others were about to sit down, distracted once they saw Luke,  the walking corpse that had haunted everyone's nightmares.

"Oh my God." Andre looked shocked to see his best friend, or at least his former best friend.

"Hey." Luke talked to the girl next to him, who just so happened to be Cate. "I'm Luke."

"Cate." She shook his hand with a smile, she hadn't received much attention before, so to suddenly be noticed by a guy like Luke, she was flattered. 

"You uhh.. you seem pretty smart. Could I cheat off of you?" He asked as if it was just something normal to ask. It wasn't to Ari. She had to work extra hard to get to where she was now, especially after the scandal of the accident.

"You're gonna ride my coattails?" Cate asked, seeming very serious, though that wasn't what Ari got from her now. 

"All the way to the top." He admitted, and in some ways Ari wished she could have done that to someone, she wished it was that easy for her. But now she was In the top three ratings and it was to her own accord. 

   Andre got up quickly, too quickly. Ari was suspicious the moment he got up. "We should leave. I-I can't be here." 

   "I miss you man." Luke said once Andre got to the door. It sent shivers down Ari's back, and she noticed a look of confusions on the others.

    Andre stopped in his tracks.

  "I miss you too man. So fucking much." He smiled, glad to talk to his best friend again.

  They both started laughing, soft laughs with two different tones.

  "But you know what? I don't believe you." Luke stood up with his menacing laugh, a fake laugh, facing Andre with a deep sigh. "You thought I didn't know."

   "Know what?" Marie asked, just as curious as the others.

    "Andre... What's he talking about?" Jordan muttered, worried about the words that would come out of Luke's mouth.

   "What the fuck did you do Andre." Ari scolded her brother under her breath, when she realized how dire the situation was. Luke was frightening in this moment. He was emotionless in a way that it looked like he was out for blood. 

   The lights went dark and Dusty could've sworn he shit his pants.

   The tv screen turned on out of no where, displaying Cate and Andre making out, both showing that they knew it was wrong through their dialogue , but continuing anyways. It sent a rush of disgust through Ari's body, she didn't want to watch this at all, she for one didn't want to see her brother making out with someone it was gross, and secondly she didn't want to know how bad of a person her brother was. 

  Cheating was listed on Ari's absolute worst things to do. And he had marked that off as a culprit. To make matters completely worse he was supposed to be Lukes best friend. 

 Everyone else watched while Ari looked away. She was disappointed in her brother to another level. 

 "How many times?" Luke asked, turning around to  look intently into Andres face..

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