seven. i'm sorry

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  "Shit. I really thought she was going to tell the truth, but she fucking lied." Jordan looked at Ari with a face of  complete and utter hurt.

"I knew it. She's trying to save her own ass. It's a bitch move, but I don't blame her."

"Fuck you." They spit out, angry at the fact that she would take her side.

   "I'm starting to think you actually want to fuck me." She got closer to them, feeling the tension in the air. She knew what she was doing. This was all too familiar. 

   "Not in a million years. Not anymore. And you've said it too." Jordan spoke, knowing it was a complete lie. 

"Okay ouch. And I know. But we can't just keep getting away with saying that every time we say something the other doesn't like. I mean we've hung out more in the past few days than we have in years."

"So no more saying it? Either of us?"

"Deal. But I can still say I hate you." She looked up at them, slightly smiling.

 "Is this the first time you're finally admitting it?"

"It is, out loud atleast."

"Then I guess we'll agree to hate each other." They went to the bottle of vodka and grabbed two shot glasses.

"Sure you don't want one shot?"

"You know what. Fuck it."

Jordan was about to pour the shot when they decided to switch forms, knowing that their male form had a higher tolerance for alcohol.

They were now towering over her as they poured the shot, their male form slightly taller.

"I feel like I've never actually seen you physically switch forms." She was fascinated in them, in both forms, the way they just switched without any effort.

"You have. Twice. You just don't remember either time."

"Two times?"

"I'm counting when we fought Luke as two times." They lied, not ready to tell the truth.

"Okay then. Now I've actually seen it."

"And you won't see it again, because we're not going to-."

"Alright whatever. I've gotta go before Athena starts to think you've killed me. She knows where I am and she'd be willing to fight you."

"Like she could ever-." Ari cut them off again.

"Bye." She laughed, about to head out the door before they stopped her.

"I'll walk you back over to the other building. With everything going on it's just a safety precaution."

"I don't need you to protect me."

"I'm not trying to protect you." The lie spilt out of their mouth, being the last of the many lies they've told this night. "I'm being nice."

"Jordan Li, nice? That's something I never thought I would hear."

"Yea come on. Don't get too used to it." They started walking, a little too fast for Ari to catch up.


Ari couldn't help but stay awake that night, thinking about how Jordan Li wasn't much different than her. A person that never felt truly seen by another person, someone who was constantly overlooked just because of who they were and their powers.

There was always her brother, but in the last few years they hadn't gotten along. It was like this complete switch up after the car situation. It was like he viewed her as a monster, or at least that's what she thought. He just wanted her to stay away from the media, and to be her, just her. The lovable sister that he used to know, the one before the alcohol, and before she killed her friends.

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