thirteen. paranoia

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   Ari woke up in a midst of darkness, light only shining through the window from a crack between the curtains.

   Panic sat in as she realized that she didn't know where she or who the naked body she felt beside her was.

She shook them to wake them up, and to find out who they were.

"Where are we?" The familiar voice asked, settling her nerves when she realized that it was just Jordan.

"I have no clue, I don't remember shit."

"Neither do I." They said as they got up, not even caring that they were shirtless in front of Ari.

   Ari put on her clothes that she found on the floor, and opened the curtain, letting the light soak in.

   It revealed the many beer cans littered on the floor.

  "Im guessing this was a frat party, but shit I usually remember everything. I mean I can drink multiple bottles of vodka and remember everything. Sure I'm out cold, but I never forgot." Ari said, even though she hated to admit it.

  "Multiple?" They asked, never seeing her drink much.

  "I don't do it anymore. It's only happened a few times."

  "I know what you mean. I never black out."

   "Do you think the others are here?"

   "Maybe we should go find them."

    "We should." She waited till they finished changing before they both decided that they would walk the halls of the house.

    As soon as they opened the door they saw a startled Cate and Andre, standing together.

   "Where are we?" Ari asked them, but didn't need to as Jordan suddenly realized.

   "This is Dusty's house."

   "Really? Should we go look in some other rooms for Marie and the others?"

   "Couldn't hurt." Andre said, already leading the way.

  He decided to open the first door he came to, waking up the two sleeping people.

   "Oh shit!" Andre realized that neither of the two girls had clothes on.

  "Athena?" Ari noticed her roommate. "And Marie?

    "I just sorry.. we thought." Andre apologized.

    "Oh shit. Sorry." Cate finally noticed what had happened.

     "Right on. I just thought-."

     "We were just leaving, bye." Cate shut the door behind them, feeling embarrassed.


"That was super awkward. Shit. I can't believe it. She told me she thought she was cute, but to really act on it? I'm proud." Ari was happy for her roommate, and was raving on about it to the others while they sat in the basement.

"I'm more interested in you two, I thought you hated each other." Cate said, motioning towards Ari and Jordan.

   "Let's not talk about this. It didn't have to happen again." Andre said, implying their past.

   "Again?" Cate asked, confused as to when they were ever together in the first place.

   "Okay look there's more important things." Jordan tried to change the conversation once they remembered what happened in the first place.

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