sixteen. mind over matter

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   "Cate. Cate, can you hear us?" Marie's voice sounded, just a mumble of words in Cates ear.

   Cate was on the couch, courtesy of Andre who had carried her there.

   Everyone was worried, even Jordan who couldn't help but hate her. "Has she ever pushed this much before?"

  "Who cares? This is what she gets for mind-raping her friends." Andre said, hating her even more than Jordan ever could.

   Marie nodded.

   "You never heard her out Andre. Never." Ari tried defending her in any way she could, they didn't know the half of it.

   When she finished speaking she realized that Cate had just disappeared.

  "Holy shit. Where'd she go?" Jordan looked panicked, like everyone else in the room.

"Um, guys?" Dusty had entered the room seconds before, just now saying anything. He was looking at the back wall where the bricks began to float, making a doorway.

  Everyone slowly moved to the new door, with Ari walking close to Jordan. She had this sense to protect them, even though they could have probably done a much better job at the time.

  "Oh, what the fuck." They stared at it before finally finding the nerve to walk out of it.

"Oh shit."

They looked back to see the whole wall of bricks vanishing.

"What's happening?" Jordan looked at Ari, grasping onto her hand, in some type of reflex.

"Maybe Cates more powerful than we thought." Marie felt like they had somehow underestimated her.

"Whatever I'm done with this shit." Andre started to walk off, while Ari and the others followed him.

"Are you a fucking idiot? We have no clue where we are or what she even did to us." Ari said, speaking to her brother like she always did.

Thunder sent a booming noise through the air, startling everyone, when at the same time a women shrieked, a loud, mourning shriek.

  "Caleb!" The lady sobbed sending everyone to hide behind a tree. "Caleb?"

"Who is that?" Marie asked the others in a whisper.

"I don't know, maybe we can help her." Ari tried looking on the bright side.

"Come back please!" The woman yelled out again.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we've been looking for three days." The police officer said to the woman.

"Don't. He's only six years old. Keep looking." She went back to yelling for who Ari could only guess was her son. "Caleb? Caleb?"

"Yeah that was Cates brother's name. The one she sent away." Andre told them, making a buzzer go off in Ari's mind, as she recalled Brink's memorial, when they all had a heart to heart.

"Mommy? Mommy!" A little girl called out, running towards her mother before she was halted with a firm hand.

"Cate, wait! Just wait there."

"Holy shit. This is a memory." Marie said the obvious aloud, but Ari appreciated, some part of her brain had a hard time processing the fact before them. "We're in Cates head."

"I don't feel safe with her." Her mother said, saddening Ari, she knew the feeling of having a parent who was terrified of their child. It's how her father looked at her when her mother died. Like it was her who killed her.

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