twenty four. is it over now?

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  As they walked throughout the halls Ari noticed the people lying dead on the ground, and the chaos just beginning to ensue.

  "Maybe it's just me, but this is a little creepy." Ari spoke, disrupting the silence between the two of them.

  "I don't think its just you. If I wasn't with you I'd be pissing my pants. Cate's insane, they all are." Jordan said, something Ari heavily agreed on. Even Athena, the girl who was once her bestfriend, was now what she would call a monster.

"We should split up."

"We still have no clue how bad the situation is." Jordan wanted any excuse to stay with her, to keep her safe.

"It kind of seems like we do. They're attacking random students. If I can use my powers, maybe I can stop them."

"I don't want you to."

"Jordan, I can't just stay here and be a burden to you."

"But if something happened to you, I don't think I could live without you again. We've already learned that we're better together."

She looked in their eyes, and gave them a quick kiss, despite the urgency of the situation,

"I love you Jordan, but I've got to go. Now, things are getting worse. I'll meet you back here. " Ari didn't let them say the three words back, the three words that meant so much to them. She was almost scared they wouldn't say it back if given a choice, but she heard Jordan say it from a distance and knew they really meant it.

She went outside, where people were running away.

"Theres a gas station, a few miles that way! You'll be safe there!" She yelled out to the screaming people, confused on where to go.

She was just as confused as them. She really had no clue what she was doing. She couldn't stop anyone without killing them. And she really hoped that would be the last resort.

She just continued walking and telling people where to go, until she walked towards the wrong path. There was a dead body that looked as if the head had exploded from the inside out. It was disgustingly gruesome, so much so that she had to keep herself from throwing up.

She just stood there for a minute until she felt she could move again without vomiting, but only shortly after she started walking again a loud whistle, so loud that it was deafening erupted.

Her hands swifly went to her ears, trying anything to block the noise, but it was not use, not until another deafening sound started, but only for a split second, before it went quiet, besides the noises of running feet hitting the pavement, and screams.

She had no clue what was happening, but she was thankful that the whistling noise was over. She started running now, opposite with the crowd. Forget staying away from Jordan, she was going to protect them. She stopped for only a minute when she got a phone call from one of the board members, entailing her to kill the escaped member of the woods.

She didn't know if she could do it. Killing people wasn't like her. She tried to refuse but they only offered more. A spot on the seven, and a chance to save her dad. She wanted that more than the spot. Now in this moment she didn't care if he wasn't the best dad. She wanted him alive to see him change.

She agreed to it.

The first person she took down was someone with Lazer powers coming from their chest. They tried to blast at her, but she got to them first. She sent them down with a cascade of rocks coming from the ceiling. It felt good. She had a grasp of control now that she knew the truth. It was like Cate stole more than just her memories of the car crash, but the memories of how to use her powers in the first place.

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