twenty. ruined

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   It was as if the door was obliterating slowly, one chunk at a time, and with no other place to run Marie opened the bloody door, to reveal an even bloodier bathroom. Two dead bodies lied still on the floor, as a little girl sat in the corner.

   "Is that you?" Jordan asked out of concern.

   Marie said nothing in reply, going over to the sobbing little girl. "Annabeth?" she was crouched down to her size, in order to talk to her.

the girl turned, teary eyed at the loss of her parents. "You killed them."

  "I-I didn't mean to." Marie stuttered at a loss for words, as her emotion were building.

   "You tell everyone you lost control, but you didn't." She let her words sink in, almost as harmful as cutting her with a knife. "You were angry that they barged in and everything that happened, happened because you wanted it to... no matter how hard you try to be a hero... you'll always be a murderer to me." The figment of Annabeth looked up at her sister, but she didn't really see her sister.

Marie started crying, almost losing herself. She didn't mean to, she still wished her parents were there even now. She would have to go without them everyday because of the stupid powers she never wanted in the first place.

Ari wanted to go over to her, hug her and take all of the pain away from her, but she knew she couldn't, she even held back Athena who looked like she might actually try something. This was her memory to deal with, just like she had to deal with her own.

  "I'll never forgive you, and you shouldn't either." Annabeth stared at her with a look of hurt.

  "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Tears streamed down Marie's face now, thick tears. " I-I ruined everything. I didn't understand my powers. I.." She paused for a second, looked up and started yelling towards Cate when she came to a conclusion. "Like you Cate! You told me it wasn't my fault! None of this is our fault! I'm not a monster."

   Ari finally understood, and jumped in to the conversation. " She's right none of us are at fault for what has happened to us! We didn't ask for this! Vought made us this way!" 

It was like something suddenly unlocked in Cate, leading them to her as if it was all just a dream. 

  "You shouldn't be here." Cate said once she saw the five of them, looking as if she had just seen a ghost.. 

  "Cate we're here now trying to wake you up. " Marie spoke to her, and only her.

  "You can wake up right now I wont stop you anymore." Cate promised, with tears collecting at her eyes. 

Ari wanted to take that option, she just wanted everything to be over, and everthing to be normal, like it used to be.

  "Come on let's all wake up and get the fuck out of here." Jordan was anxious to leave, just like Ari. She stuck her hand in theirs, letting them know that she wanted to do the same.

"we've been through this. You're fucked up. I'm fucked up. the one thing that is really apparent now is that we are all fucked up." Marie looked at her, really looked at her, understanding her motives in this moment.

"I don't want to wake up." Cate looked so tired, so done with life, and it almost broke Ari's heart, almost, until she remembered what she and Athena did.

"No. No. Fuck that, doesn't matter what the fuck you want." Andre said to her. This was the girl he thought he loved.

"Andre I'm sorry..."

"No. No, sorry doesn't cut it. You want to forget your problems and not wake up? No fuck you."

"Hey, hey Andre." Marie tried to cut in, not wanting to make Cate even more upset,

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