eighteen. bad friend

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  "Oh shit... This is.." Marie said, as they were now looking at a massive portrait, stretching the wall of the known underground organization.

  "The woods.." Everyone, except for Athena said on sync, almost as if it was planned. 

  "And the thing I don't get is that was my memory, not Cate's. It's like her shit and our shit are bleeding together." Jordan said, not expecting a negative response, but of course Andre was there, and Ari liked to say that negativity was his specialty. 

  "Let's talk about your shit, actually." Andre got close to them, still mad about what he had found out. 

  'Yeah." Marie added, whilst Athena kept quiet. She didn't feel like she deserved to speak to anyone, this was a whole new friend group that she had been dragged into because of her roommate and her liking Marie. 

 Ari also stayed silent, not wanting to add any fuel to the flame, that was growing against them. She didn't want to hate them, though she didn't think she possibly could anymore. 

 "I'm sorry okay. I bought into all of Brink's bullshit. He was just like Shetty, and I didn't want to see it..." No one said a word when Jordan walked off. "Fuck this place. I'm gonna make It right, for Luke."

  They audibly gasped once they walked past a certain door, their eyes fixating on what was behind it. They looked back at the others waiting for them to follow them. Ari was the first over there, close behind them like she always was. 

  They all watched as a monitor beeped steadily in the middle of the room, connecting wires to two very familiar subjects. 

  "What the fuck are they doing?" Andre closed in on them to get a better look. 

  The monitor started beeping, sending Dr. Cardoza after it. "Wait." 

  Luke shot up from the bed, so fast that it startled everyone, even Athena who had seen the image in her head moments before. "What the fuck are you guys doing to me?" He yelled at the three adults, he was supposed to be able to trust. "Sam!"

  "Hurry. Now."  Shetty motioned for another person, that no one realized had been in the same room with them, not until Luke mumbled her name. "Cate?" 

 There was another girl in the room with them, sitting in the corner , a girl that looked so familiar, yet Ari couldn't tell who it was because there was a slight blur disguising her. 

  Cate walked closer to Luke, with an upset look on her face. She knew what she had to do.

  "Cate. Cate, help me. Help me out of here." He pleaded, only for it to not work. 

  Cate placed her hands on the sides of his face, wiping his memories. "I'm so sorry. You're going to forget this is happening."

  "Cate please."

  "You're gonna forget about the woods. Your brother is dead. Go to sleep." She continued while Luke panted heavily, going to sleep just as she had instructed. The others soon saw a montage, put together in Cate's memories of the many times she had to make Luke forget. 

  "Holy shit. She knew everything from the fucking jump. How many times do you think she did that to him?"

  "Too many to count." Ari shivered, as she felt a million. emotions at once. 

 "A lot.. You think that's what broke him?"Jordan asked, though they assumed that was the actual answer. 

 "Seems like it broke both of them." Marie replied, as she held Athenas hand. 

  "It's not working. I think it's messing with his head. He keeps remembering like... like a dam breaking." Cate said to Brink and Sherry, now in Shetty's office. 

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