twenty five. i know the end

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Ari saw nothing but darkness at first, as her life started flashing before her eyes. She saw images of her and her brother playing video games, her first kiss with Jordan, the first text she received from Athena, and her dad in the hospital.

"this is it" she swore to herself. This was the end, of everything. She wouldn't get to spend time with Jordan anymore, she wouldn't get to hear their laugh or their sarcastic humor or snarky responses, or their peculiar taste in movies.

Atleast that's what she had assumed. Really all they were, were dreams or recollections of past events.

She had only hit her head, hard, as she was pushed out of the way with a large force.

  She was saved, but she wasn't safe. Marie, sacrificing herself for her new friend as she jumped in front of her and pushed her to the side. She took a laser for her, and she knew if Jordan was any closer they would have done the same.

  "Ari! Get up!" Someone shook her.

  Ari opened her eyes quickly, rising up with a quick jolt, and all she saw was a bright light amongst Jordan, Andre and Emma.

They were in a moving vehicle, one that had to be big enough to fit everyone.

  "What's happening? Where are we going?" She asked confused, before she tried to quickly put a hand to her forehead. There was an aching pain, and blood rushing from it. She had hit a rock on the way down, making the impact even worse. But she couldn't do anything, her hand were cuffed in white bulky cuffs.

"We're being taken away. They think we did it, all of it." Jordan explained, as they sat side by side.

"Where's Marie? Is she Okay?" Ari panicked at the thought that Marie sacrificed herself for her and died.

"Yeah she's fine, she saved you, she just needs rest..."

"Shit really?"

"Yea we don't know where she is. We just know she's fine wherever she is."

"But are we fine? Where are we going?"

"We don't even know that. They just gave us these." Jordan showed their handcuffs. "They block our powers, so we can't try anything."

  "Shit this is bad. And Athena?"

  "She's a traitor." Emma said, letting her know she was still with Cate.

"Fuck we're actually screwed, they really think we did this?"

"They're fucking idiots." Andre spit out, pissed at Cate and everything else.

"How was dad?" Ari asked him, since he was there a lot longer than her.

"He's going to die soon, and he wants me to keep his legacy going." He looked down at the floor, where there was a gap in the middle with no chairs, as the chairs stretched along the sides of the van.

   "Fuck. Of course it's you, he always favored you."

   "You're not going to do it, and there's a reason, if anything he favors you."

   "What the fuck do you mean...?"

    "There's something else..."

   "What? Spit it out, damn."

   "Every time we use our powers we're one step closer to killing ourselves. You know the headaches, the twitching in our fingers."

   "I don't know what you're talking about." She denied, though she knew exactly what he meant, there was a constant twitch in her hands, and migraines that wouldn't go away now that she's used her powers again.

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