nine. memories

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     "Ari, nice to meet you. You look awfully familiar." Jordan's mother said, cheerfully.

     "She's Andre's younger sister." Jordan explained, knowing it would gain their blessing.

     "Well I know you're a sweet girl then, we love Andre. And the more I think about it, I think we've heard about you a few times from Jordan." She put on a smile.

   "Oh really?" Ari turned to glare at Jordan, and if looks could kill, Jordan would be beyond dead.

  "Nope, no, probably all bad things." They made something up.

    "Well are you going with Jordan to the memorial tonight?" Their father asked.

    "Yes I absolutely wouldn't miss it. Brink was the best." Ari smiled, she had no problems with Brink before he died, though she found him to be a little weird.

   "Great! We'll let you two lovebirds go on, me and your mother have a lot of catching up to do."

    "It was nice to finally meet you, you seem like a lovely girl. I have a feeling you two will be together a long time" Their mom gave her a welcoming hug, already liking her.

     Jordan said goodbye to their parents with their own hug. "She's a pretty girl, she seems like a keeper." Their mother whispered in their ear,  before they closed the door. They tried to hide their blush, embarassed by the whole situation.

   Ari waited a second before she spoke. "I'm not even going to ask why your parents know anything about me, but what. The. Actual. Fuck."

   "I couldn't tell them we weren't dating." They looked guilty.

    "Now they think we're fucking dating Jordan." Ari yelled, not exactly mad, but obviously not too elated about the whole situation. 

    "We just have to act like we're dating, atleast at the memorial."

  "Great. How am I supposed to pretend to like you? And much more than that, pretend I'm in love with you?"

"I mean it's easy for most people. And you did it before." Jordan laughed. They knew they were right. 

"You're so full of yourself. I'm just going to go. I'll see you at Brink's memorial, since you're apparently my partner again."

    "Look." Jordan put a hand on her, softly. "People would love it, I mean if two top ten supes were dating they'd go crazy for it. It's just an act. We can still hate each other."

    "Fine. We can walk in together. I'll just try to look like I'm in love with you."

   "I bet it'll be easy. You did it once before."


   Ari didn't know how the memorial would be, but she didn't expect a red carpet outside.

   Jordan wrapped an arm around her, posing as the photographers took their photos. They looked like they were together, something Ari was thankful for in the moment, as all eyes were on them.

Ari had plenty of social media training to know just how to pose.

When they walked through the dozens of cameras and bright lights in the room Marie was with dean Shetty, Jordan giving Marie a glare as they walked past.

"I'll be right back." Jordan left Ari alone to talk to one of the trustees on the board committee.

   She just sat at a bar, with a drink.

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