nineteen. the truth hurts

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   Ari and Jordan looked at each other, both with a look of fear in their eyes. They knew that car all too well, like they had studied it from the inside out, trying to find out what had really happened that night. 

  "Whose car is this? Maybe we could take it. " Athena suggested, bold for speaking after what had been revealed. 

   "Shut up. You don't get to speak right now." Andre scoffed, as if she had the right to say anything after lying to them for all this time, even Marie had felt betrayed. She really like the girl, even confessing her feelings for her. Something she had never done to anyone before. 

   She was silenced, deciding to keep her head down. Ari felt bad for a split second, she did what she had to, but she still wished she would have told her. She trusted her just like she told her she could, and had been betrayed. 

  "We have to go. I can't do this right now. We have to get out of here." Ari whined. she dint care how she sounded, she hated this scene. 

  "I think the car is our only escape it looks like Cate is still after us." Marie said. 

  "I don't think I can, now that I know the truth." Ari wanted to cry, as everything came back to her, that feeling she once had, and the memories Cate restored. 

  When Cate restored her memories after the party she saw the look on her face, the panicked look. "I'm sorry." Cate whispered then so no one else could hear her. She only knew a fragment of the truth, but it was more than she knew before, and she had assumed that she realized her mistake and kept the truth a secret to Jordan.

  "What?" Jordan just looked confused. They thought they knew the whole story. 

  "There." Ari pointed towards the memory version of herself and Jordan, only a little younger than they were now. 

 Jordan was keeping a drunk version of Ari from falling over, helping her walk to the car.

  "Fuck you." She looked up to them, inches shorter. 

 "Come on Ari. I'm sorry. You're too out of control right now. And you're distant even when you're sober. We can't be together right now. You know that, and you know I still love you." Jordan looked like every word that came out of their mouth pained them.

  The current versions of Ari and Jordan glanced at each other, not hearing "I love you." from each other in so long, and worried about what Andre would think. He didn't say anything. 

 "I hate you." The drunk version of Ari spit out, but she didn't mean it, and winced now when she heard the words. 

  "Ari. You don't mean that you're drunk."

  "Yes I do."She lied, stopping on the side of the road before she got into the car to puke. They just held her hair back while she did, waiting for her friends to come out of the party.

  Minutes later Ari's best friend at the time did. Quinn, a sober blonde came out with her twin sister Lacy holding her hand, Quinns boyfriend Wes was on the other side of her. Lacy was almost drunker than Ari, barely able to walk without guidance. 

  "Thanks for taking her home." Jordan directed to the only sober person of the three of them. 

  "Yea whatever..  you're an asshole." Quinn said to them. Though Ari had a different lifestyle at the time the whole reason she got so drunk was because Jordan had broken up with her the night before due to the lifestyle she was living. She got drunk almost every night and distanced herself from everyone. Ari's friends decided they should go to a party to get her mind off of things, so they did. She was already drunk out of her mind when she texted Jordan. They couldn't help but rush over there. 

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