twenty one. your loss

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The noisy families enjoying their breakfast, the clatter of dishes, and the news channel broadcasted on the tv were just a few of the noises that made Cate want to crawl back into her own skin.

Loud places have always been a struggle for people like Cate and Athena, that can read minds, especially after being in confinement for years.

The diner the group had taken to as they waited to get answers from dean Shetty, was now Cate's worst enemy, but Athena who dealed with her powers without medication for years knew how she felt.

"Try to focus on something else. I know you've had this longer than me, but you've been medicated. Sometimes the thoughts of others are too overwhelming." Athena tried to give the girl some good advice.

"Stop. If your dad would'nt have put us up to all of this woods shit they would still trust us." She snapped, taking out all of her self hatred on Athena, who was probably the only person that knew how she felt in this moment.

"We wouldnt even be in this situation in the first place. I'm not my fucking father. And even if I was Shetty was apart of this too."

"Just fuck off." Cate said a little too loud, quieting the bustling diner.

"You know what Cate. I don't think you want me as your enemy. I know your own potential better than you even do."

Cate just walked away awkwardly, not sure how to respond. Heading towards the table, she stopped for a second to listen to the tv. It was some broadcaster talking about congresswomen Victoria Neman.

When she got to the table where everyone else was, except for Athena who decided to sit away from them, she sat at a seat on the end of the booth that had been pulled over from a table. No one, not even Andre offered to get up for her.

Andre and Marie sat on one side, while Ari and Jordan sat on the other.

"Shetty can't meet right now. " Cate said almost immediately after she got seated.

"The fuck does that mean?" Jordan asked, wondering how she had the audacity to just let Shetty reject her meeting after everything she had done.

There was no reply.

"Where is she?" Marie questioned, when she realized Cate was'nt going to respond to Jordan.

"The city. She'll be back later... "

"So what do we do?" Jordan bent closer to the table, to where they could really talk to the others.

"I'll wait for her at her house, and then when she comes home, i'll make her tell everyone everything."

It seemed quiet for a second, but Athena could hear the others thoughts from yards away, so she could only imagine how Cate felt. It really was overwhelming, even for her.

"I'll go with her." Andre offered, but not out of infatuation at all.

"It's okay." Cate tried to assure them that she would'nt do anything to break their trust again, but it was still too soon.

"No, I'm going." He insisted, he wanted to keep an eye on her.

"You can trust me." Cate smiled, though she knew that wasn't the truth.

"Stay out of our fucking heads.. Then maybe we'll trust you." Jordan said, switching into their male side, to make a point. Upset at the fact that the girl they thought was their friend betrayed them, they walked away towards the exit.

"Jordan, wait up!" Ari followed close behind them.

"Wait! I swear you can." Cate called after her.

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