fifteen. my fault

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    "Remember everything I made you forget." Cates hands were placed on Emma's head.

   "Woah. Thanks. So glad I had to relive that fucking nightmare. I have to go get sam." Emma started walking off before she turned back around. "Also you're a cunt." She left the room, making Cate upset with her comment, she already felt like a shitty person, but she was a victim.

   "Now me." Athena said, being the last one to regain her memories.

Cate looked at her with a look no one else understood, but the two of them.

   "Shetty made you do this?" Marie asked, out of curiosity.

"You were in my fucking head." Jordan got closer to her. It looked as if she was struggling to stand up, with shaking hands and blood red eyes.


They were both talking way too quick for Cate, zeroing in on her at every chance they got. It made her nervous.

"I'm sorry." Cate tried apologizing, before Jordan interrupted her.

"You had no fucking right."

"I thought I was..." she stumbled, but Athena was already there to catch her. She knew what was going to happen before it actually did.

"Woah hey." Athena settled her.

"... Doing the right thing." She had to sit down, overwhelmed with the thoughts of everyone in the room.

"Here you sit down." Ari sat her on the chair beside them. She was upset with everything but she didn't want anything to happen to Cate, not like the others. "I'll go get you some water."

"I'll get it you go check up on Andre." Athena offered, wanting to make sure Cate was okay.

"Thank you Athena. I mean it." She gave her a look of gratitude and a squeeze on the shoulder, before she left the room, going to Andre, who was in the next room over.

"Andre." She knocked first.

"Yea come in." He said, spread out on the antique couch.

"You okay?" She turned on the light, getting rid of the darkness he had left himself in.

"I think she made Luke kill Brink.. and kill himself."

She sat down on the floor right beside him. "You know she didn't do that."

"I don't know anymore. I mean that is exactly what she does. She makes you fall in love with her... and then she fucks you over." His hands were over his head, as he tried to take everything in.

"It's this shitty school that fucks you over. Not her. You know I thought everything would go away after getting accepted. I thought maybe the stupid fucking part of my brain that never recovered would get better.. but I'm still the same person I was when the accident first happened. And what makes it fucking worse is that I remember something else about that night now."


"I can't. Not yet. Not till I find out that it's real and not just something she planted in my head. All I can say is that there was another car."

"A car?"

"I can't say anything else anymore."

"Okay." He ignored it like she asked, instead going to back to one of her points. "You can tell me anything, and you aren't the same person as you were then. Not even close. You're still fucking scared to use your powers to your full capability, but I get it. That was traumatizing shit you're never getting over.

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