eleven. i'm not crazy

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Ari felt like she had made a mistake. She didn't wish that she never had sex with Jordan, if anything she wanted it again.

But she had to lie. She had already blurred too many lines between the roles of an enemy and a lover. All she knew was that you weren't supposed to fuck someone you hate.

Athena didn't come back to the room that night. So she was completely alone. But for once she was okay. She wasn't panicked, she wasn't sobbing, and she didn't want a drink. She just wanted to sleep.

But in fear of nightmares she stayed awake. There was always a reoccurring nightmare. She would be in a car, much like the one the accident took place in, yet instead of her friends it was always her brother, her father and Jordan. The thought of losing her family forever made her heart hurt. Even Jordan who she claimed to hate. She already lost them once.

When she finally fell asleep she didn't have a nightmare. She didn't have any dreams of importance, but she was okay with that.

She just felt numb. A kind of numb that she couldn't even describe.

In the morning when she went to find Jordan they were watching Marie talk To Rufus. She had never met the guy but she already knew so many bad stories about him, he was practically walking rufenol . And she knew to stay the hell away from him.

She wanted to warn her, and apologize to Jordan, but felt a tap on her shoulder from Athena.

"I'm sorry. I was at Marie's dorm last night. She was just so worried about Emma. She needed someone there for her." She let her know, not wanting her to think she got hurt.

"It's okay. You two seem to really be getting along."

"I really like her, I mean really. It's weird. I've been so opposed to dating but maybe it wouldn't be so bad if it's her."

"I would definitely wait till after we find Emma, but I say you should. I see how she is when you're around. You make her smile, a lot. And I know she does the same to you."

"I'm going to. I might ask her out for dinner when everything gets normal."

"Do it. Also we need to go get Marie like right now." She looked panicked, at the discovery of Rufus and Marie's newfound disappearance. "She's with that guy Rufus."

"The creepy guy?"

"Yes, I didn't even notice them leave." She started walking off hastily, with Athena dragging closely behind her.

They were on a mission to get to Rufus's room before anything happened to Marie, but they didn't even get to it before they noticed Jordan and Marie in the hall looking like they just got over a big argument, and like they were about to leave.

"Are you okay? Holy shit. What happened?" Ari asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but I don't really know." Marie spoke in a soft tone, not really wanting them to worry about her.

"She exploded his fucking dick!" Jordan said aloud, which without context made Ari's eyes widen.

"What!?" Ari freaked out, then looked closer at the blood still on the sides of her face.

" I didn't even realize I could do that." Marie held up the bloody towel in her hand.

"I'm glad you're okay." Athena wrapped her arms around the girl, giving her a tight hug.

   The four of them both split up in twos, but instead of the pairs they came with it was Athena and Marie, and, Ari and Jordan.

    "I wanted to talk to you." Ari spoke first.

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