How it all started

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Smg4 pov:

I yawned as I got up to turn off my alarm and sorta just rolled out of bed. I sleepily stalked into the kitchen for a drink of water. it's kinda felt like I was in a trance ever since IGBP, I shuddered at the thought of the days events. WOTFI 2023 was fun though, I smiled and sighed remembering all the choices. I'm very glad Smg3 got his notebook back or else well... uhm.. I'd rather not.. say. I put the glass down and walked back into my room to get dressed and start a new video.

Smg3 pov: 

I stretched and got out of bed as I pet eggdog. "Ahh yes time for another stream" I said in a sleepyish tone. this time i got out of bed fully and went downstairs to my starbucks house and fed my little eggdog. After I got dressed and started my new stream.

3rd person POV:

Suddenly both meme guardians got a notification from Meggy on the groupchat that read " Hey wanna go hiking/camping?" Smg4 was first to reply by texting "sure! i dont have anything 2 do i think" next was smg3 he texted "sure y not ill get a babysitter for eggdog" After that one by one all crew members had agreed and it had been planned that they were going the next day.

3rd POV (again)

Smg4 started packing right after he replied,He started by shoving multiple things in his duffle bag clothes, shoes and a refridgerator wait- huh? anyways then he put all his other nessecities in  a bag and that was about it.(by nessesities i mean the entire house)

Smg3 on the other hand stalled for a few hours, then he started packing first he called the babysitter. He unlike Smg4 was SO much more neat and he didn't have the entire house in his bag. After he got a small backpack and put the smaller things like toothbrushes, toothpaste ect.

Smg4 POV:

After packing I thought "I'm so exited to see Smg3" wait -no whyy'd i think that .////. Any how I set my bags down and played with beeg Smg4 for a while. Then i got up to go eat breakfast. After breakfast i flopped down on my bed because i stayed up late the other night making videos. Then slowly but surely i had fallen asleep.

Smg3 POV:

After packing I went into the kitchen and made myself a breakfast(with my totally pog cooking skills). After eating i went back upstairs to my room and thought, "I wonder what the idiot smg4 is doing right now." Then I remembered the igloo incident. :0 "Ugh" I furrowed my brows in frustration and muttered "b-baka" while blushing a little TO much.

                                       THE ENFD:0(TO BE CONTINUED)

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