Oh? We're gae now?

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3rd POV bitchasses bastards and inbetweens:

Smg3 was fast asleep not bothered by his prior words. Smg4 on the other hand was having a mental crisis, his exact thoughts were: "My crush, My ex-rival loves me?" and "ANAJFHDJGHSIKGJDJGKDK". Hours of a mixture of restful and restless sleep in the same area later the men stared to stir. Smg3 awakened from a restful sleep. Smg4 awakened from a restless sleep, looking like a racoon. Smg3 noticed this (who wouldnt bro fr looks like he dipped his eyes in charcoal) and asked, "You okay 4?" Four merely nodded before standing up. The world apparently wasn't on his side as his felt his vision go hazy while he met the ground(almost) 

Smg3 sprung into action to save Four, catching him while he was still falling. Smg4 now asleep in Smg3's arms was placed on the makeshift couch 4 brought along. Then Smg3 looked inside the fridge, he picked up some sort of bag. Inside were the simple ingredients to a sandwich. Smg3 was obviously confused because "Who keeps bread in the fridge?!" he said aloud. He looked at Smg4 on the couch and thought, "Nevermind 4 does". Shaking off his shock he put together two sandwiches on for him and one for 4 and put 4's in the fridge while chewing his. 

Smg4 started to move and finally rose from what seemed to be endless sleeping to Smg3. Smg3 looked at Smg4 and told him, " I left your sandwich in the fridge."  Smg4 just sleepily nodded and got up to eat. Soon he was on the floor next to Smg3. 

After what seemed to be an eternity for Smg4 and two minutes for Smg3, Four spoke up "Are we not gonna discuss what you told me yesterday?". Smg3 went slightly pink but said " Do you love me back?". Smg4 heard this and turned red but mustered out, "M-mhm". Smg3 gained confidence hearing this and asked, "So what are we?". Smg4 caught on and replied back, "Gae".

Smg3 chuckled and embraced Smg4 and said, "Gae? Really?" Smg4 pouted and kicked Smg3. After Four got over his nerves and hugged Three once again and finally replied to Three, "Yes."

                                        THE EDFGVND (TBC) ONLY A FEW MORE CHAPTERS LETS FUCKING GOOO

(377 words)

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