Go fuck yourself boulders

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Smg3 and smg4 were in a tight embrace as they were being suffocated in the cave. Smg4 then realized the situation and anger had resurfaced from deep inside him them he started squirming in the others arms. Smg3 struggled on keeping his arms secure around the angy guy. So he racked his brain for ideas on what to do. Finally he put one of his hands on the back of the squirming guy and picked him up bridal style.

Smg4 flushed bright red as he felt himself being lifted and quickly calmed. Smg3 sighed and carried Smg4 through the cave. The cave wasn't very long about 40-50ft walking. At the end of the cave there was a slight dip in the ground full of water. After reaching that point smg3 let smg4 down. Smg4 looked around in awe. Though the exits had been blocked there was still a slight bit of sunlight illuminating the cave.

Since the light was there smg3 was able to look at smg4 as his blue eyes shone in amazement. Smg3 chuckled to himself, he hadn't realized how adorable smg4 was all along. Realizing what he had just thought smg3 blushed furiously. Smg4 noticed and asked "Hey man you ok?" "fine" Smg3 croaked back in reply. Smg4 nodded still skeptical on the other's "fineness" but brushed it off.

Smg4 then out of the blue hugged 3. Smg3 not knowing what was going on had been taken aback. Smg4 then let go and said " It's a thank you for calming me down". As he said this though he still resembled a tomato greatly. Smg3 then said/asked "I know you asked me if i was ok but you look like someone dumped ketchup on your face." Smg4 mumbled "Im doing fine" Smg3 asked "You sure man?" Smg4 then yelled "I SAID I WAS FINE YOU DUMBASS" Smg3: "damn chill"


A/N Today's been a shitty day because i woke up thought it was thursday(its tuesday) fell down the stairs, Missed the bus and found out its my time of the month. (349 words)

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