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Smg3 POV:

I awoke to the sound of snoring and turned my head. "WAIT WHAT ME AND 4 ARE HOLDING HANDS HUH?!" I thought. A few seconds later Smg4 had woken up and he sat up. Not fully awake he asked me" Huh? why are the bags floating?" "huh?" i said.

 Oh wait i turned my head and realized that our meme powers had made the backpacks float. I let go of his hand and the back packs fell causing a toaster to fall out of 4's bag, I sighed and said" Our dreams must've connected and made the bags float." Smg4 nodded and said "Ohh yeahh that makes sense, Wait what-" I shook my head and said "You know what never mind."

3rd POV:

Smg3 had left Smg4 to fall back asleep and then he changed and picked his bag up as he shook the blue clad meme man up. Smg4: "IM AWAKE STOP FUCKING SHAKING ME" He yelled. Smg3: "Chill dude." He said as he walked out the tent. Smg4 groaned and put the toaster back in his bag and changed into his usual clothes as he crawled out of the tent with his bag on his back.

Smg3 "morning sunshine~" He said in a mocking tone as smg4 crawled out. Smg4: " Go kill yourself" he grumbled. The crew laughed including Smg3, then they headed up the hill to the hiking trail.  Tari: " Hey Meggy I heard there was a cave not so far from here do you wanna go?" She questioned. Meggy: "Sure why not let's go!" The crew nodded and followed meggy and tari through the forest.

Mario: "MAMA HELPPPPP" Boopkins: "What's wrong Mario?" Mario" ROCKS AND A TON OF EM" Sure enough the crew turned their heads and there were boulders coming towards them. 

                                   THE END TO BE CONTINUED MUAHAHAHAHAH

( Help me im losing sanity 309     words) 

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