Bitch, I'm home! Wait where are you?

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3rd POV:

Smg4 and Smg3 had returned to their homes and were bombarded with happy tears of the crew and food. But both men had realized that their children weren't at the showgrounds. This deeply confused the pair, as they had left both of them at proper care but neither were anywhere around. This caused a new panic in the castle and Three's shop. Both men went out searching for their children to no avail. Smg3 was deeply upset but knew how to handle it as he had lost Terrance a few years prior. 

Smg4 wasn't as good at it, the nightmare he had a few nights ago came rushing back and he found himself drained of all happiness when the memory came rushing back. "YOUR WORTHLESS!" rang the voice of his past self. "I NEVER LIKED YOU!" there was the voice of his fake friends. Smg4 had locked himself in his room. He had come to terms with the fact he was a horrible father.

Smg3 hadn't given up hope as he continued searching for both egg and beeg. He found them, dead by the side of the road. He picked up the cold lifeless bodies. Tears never came he was upset, yet he couldn't let anything out of his eyes. The feeling stung, both his heart and his eyes. With a heavy body he started off to the castle to let his friends know. His friends were all devastated, Smg4 still hadn't come out of his room .


Funeral time, Smg4 had made it out of his room with a heavy heart. And the first thing he did was cling on to Three, sobbing. Smg3 accepted his embrace and sobbed along with him. They had all dressed in black for the funeral (AUTHOR INTERUPPTION IDFK HOW FUNERALS GO)

The funeral was over Smg3 and Smg4 were the last to place flowers on their children's graves. Smg4 felt numb the entire way back. He was still clinging onto Smg3's arm. Smg3 was still crying but he understood that egg and beeg were now in better places.

They had finally made it home. Saiko was first to speak as she said,  "あなたの喪失を本当に残念に思います" (i'm so sorry for your loss in japanese according to google translate) Everyone agreed. 


The pair had moved on but both were still very sad as there was now a permanent hole in their hearts that would never be full again. The crew now knew that the men were dating and fully supported them.                 


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