half-asleep confessions

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3rd POV again:

The day had passed by relatively fast. Most of the day Smg4 spent his time pulling random shit out of his bag looking for food so much so that the cave was now fully furnished. After smg4's hectic search for food worked Smg3 pulled out couple of board games out of his bag while smg4 ate a popsicle he found in the fridge he brought. (don't ask where they got electricity for the fridge its for the plot). "Hey four now that we have lights you wanna play a game or some shit?" Smg3 asked the other meme guardian. Smg4 still coming to terms with his feelings while eating looked up at the taller man and nodded.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" Was the first thing that came out of fours mouth in the span of an hour. "Sure!" Smg3 said overly happy. "thats pretty out of character for 3" smg4 made a mental-note but didn't say anything. "Ok truth or dare?" Smg3 asked 4. "Uhm truth?" 4 replied. "Have you ever been in a relationship?" 3 asked actually curious. "Ohh nahh never" 4 replied still oblivious to the fact 3 was hinting something. "Anyways truth or dare three?" "Uhhrrmm dare!" 3 answered obviously confident. Smg4 smirked and said, "Do 50 pushups!" Smg3's smile hastily faltered. Smg3 then got in pushup position and started counting while grumbling.

The next hour goes on like this until three looked at four with a smug look on his face " Truth or dare?"  "Dare?" four replied popsicle still in mouth. "Give me your popsicle" 3 said with a sly smile. "What!?" 4 asked, his face red as his popsicle. "payback for the pushups" 3 said though that wasn't the reason. "You went an hour without payback why now?!" 4 yelled at 3. Smg3 just shrugged the sly smile on his face. "F-fine." 4 replied taking the popsicle out his mouth and handing it to three. "Thanks" Smg3 took the popsicle and put in his mouth. Smg4 got up and got a blue popsicle since his popsicle had been taken away. The night carries on full of flirty remarks and the men being dense.

Smg4 got up and yawned "I think imma head to sleep" he said. "Ahh yeahh me too" Smg3 said as he finished off his second confiscated popsicle from 4. Smg4 got up and changed into pjs and crawled into his sleeping bag. Smg3 was next to do the same turning off the lamp on his way down. "Hey 3 I have one more question."Smg4 turned to 3 "Sure why not?" He replied. "truth or dare?" Smg4 asked. "Uhrrmm truth!" Smg3 replied.    "Do you love me?" Smg4 asked. Shuffling was heard next to 4. "Y-yes" came the reply.

                                                                       THE ENDFGHF TO BE CONTINUED (468 WORDS)


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