sleep tight, don't let the shitty nightmares bite

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 3rd POV bc i cant process life:

Smg3 And Smg4 were worn out after all days events smg4 practically collapsed, he would've face planted if it wasn't for 3. "Atleast lay out the sleeping bags before passing out." Smg3 said as he sighed. Smg4 chuckled and placed two sleeping bags on the dirt floor. One purple the other blue. He then quickly changed and shuffled inside the blue sleeping bag. Smg3 did the same except he crawled into the purple one.

In smg4's nightmare

"how dare you the castle is gone because of you" You hurt all of your friends" The distressed faces of his friends showed. Everything went blank and he started hearing their voices all of them full of betrayal. Past Smg3 shows up into the abyss. "Your friends are now all into my control" he taunted. Smg4 fell through a void he suffocated while he saw his reflection, It was his past self high school to be exact. Smg4 was full of guilt and regret as his old self's laughter echoed through the void. "Pathetic what have I become?" his old self sneered.  His past self vanished and he saw the events of IGBP it was the moment he was holding on to smg3. We're friends. his past rivals voice rang trough his head. He had dropped him.

Smg4 woke up panting tears forming in his eyes. Smg3 was a VERY light sleeper so he groggily sat up hazily looking at the blue man. As his vision adjusted he had realized that the Meme guardian was crying his eyes glossed and and breathing heavily. Smg3 was greatly worried as he crawled over to his partner. and wrapped his arms around him and asked, "what happened 4?". "I dropped you." came the shaky reply. "Huh?" smg3 asked confused. "IGBP" Smg4 replied simply. "oh..." The day replayed in smg3's head.  "it's ok 4 i'm here right now you didn't drop me. Smg4 shook his head and mumbled, "You wouldn't understand" Smg3 worriedly asked, "Do you want me to sleep here with you tonight?" Smg4 nodded and laid back in his sleeping bag as smg3 climbed in with him. Now that they were both were in the sleeping bag smg4 wrapped his arm along Smg3's chest. 

                                                "Goodnight sweet prince"

                                                                            THE ENGHTD TO BE CONTINUED (382 WORDS)

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