Heading to the destination

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Smg3 POV:

I woke to the sound of my annoying-ass alarm, "AGH OH SHIT IM GOING CAMPING/HIKING WITH THE CREW" I yelled. I jumped out of bed knocking over a few pillows and blankets in the process. Rushing to the bathroom to get changed I fed eggdog. After getting dressed i dropped eggdog at the babysitter's place. Then I quickly teleported to the castle and waited for the others.

Smg4 POV:

*yawn* All i remember from yesterday was that huge nap i took i don't even remember what i had for dinner. "OH WAIT I WAS GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THE CREW TODAY" I VERY loudly yelled. I heard a "huh?" from outside the castle that sounded like smg3. Oh well, I quickly leapt out of bed and ran to get dressed. After I grabbed my bags and headed outside the castle.

Smg3 POV:

I heard Smg4 yell from his room so in a mix of indifference and confusion i said "huh?". After not getting a reply i just continued to scroll on ifunny. After a bit i spotted Smg4 outside the castle so i waved him over "Hey! 4 over here!" He saw me and sped walked towards me and said Hello. I said hi back and then asked where the crew was he just shrugged. As if on cue the rest of the crew walked out.

3rd person POV:

The crew now that everyone was there they started to go to the campsite. After arriving they set up their tents Boopkins and bob shared a tent luigi and mario shared a tent Saiko, Tari and Meggy shared a tent Smg3 and smg4 shared a tent. "WAIT WHAT!?" Smg3 and 4 yelled in unison.

(melony is sleeping on the bush btw)


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