Picnic + Falling asleep

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3rd POV:

Smg3 and smg4 were still in disbelief as they had set up their tents. Smg3: "UGHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE IM STUCK WITH YOU" He yelled out. Smg4 "Hey calm down I thought we were friends" He said looking a bit hurt. Smg3: "Look I'm sorry 4 I've been well stressed about my shop and things." He said with a hand on the other's back. 4 just nodded in reply.

After everyone had set up they had head to a grassy field where they would have a picnic. Mario: "MEGGY DID U BRING MY ESPAGETTI!?" Meggy: Yes Red calm down. Mario: "WAHOO" Smg3 just shook his head while Smg4 chuckled. "Finally we're here!" Tari exclaimed with a duck in her hands. Saiko: "Yeah finally I was ready to hit mario with my hammer" She retorted in Japanese.

Luigi and Boopkins Then slowly laid out the picnic mat while every one waited. They then started eating ( While mario choked on his plate).  After finishing off they packed up all their food and started going back.

At this point in time it had become very dark outside so everyone had changed and crawled in their tents.

 Meanwhile In the meme guardians tent 3 was peacefully asleep while 4 shifted every one in a while> He then sat up and stared at Smg3 while he slept "How does he do it how does he manage to fall asleep that easily and look so... Hot while doing so" He mumbled softly. Then he laid back down and fell asleep. But some thing neither of the knew was that there hands had been intertwined as the had fallen asleep.

                                                  THE END TO BE CONTINUED

A/N Some chapters may be longer than others it jst depends on my motivation and mental health that day(290 words) IMAGE AT TOP BY ME

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