Shit went down in the castle

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Meggy POV bc why not:

There was a lot of commotion in the castle (mostly mario). I shook my head as I hit my fist on the table to call order. "Listen up guys SMG3 and SMG4 are trapped in a cave with no resources! Any ideas on how too get them out?" Was the first thing I said after everyone was paying me a bit of mind. Mario raised his hand. I sighed and told him "No Red we can't launch a nuke". "MAMA-FUCKER" he yelled. Oh-boy this is gonna take while.

Hours later still nothing. I gave up trying to guide everyone and let Tari do it. "O-ok everyone I think I ha-have an idea!" Tari tried to sound confident but ended up stuttering. I immediately shot up and asked her what it was. "So yo-you know how f-four is forklift certified? We could get someone else to get certified and use the forklift to l-lift th-the boulders." Tari answered still unsure. 

That was the first idea that would actually work! "You're a genius Tari!" I said as i stood up and shook her by the shoulders. "Let's get to work everyone!" Tari and I said in sync pumping our fists in the air. We had a vote (a very chaotic one at that) And we all agreed Luigi was the best option to get certified. Now with the mission plan we started working on getting Luigi certified.

Tari POV bc we all love her:

The commotion while we were walking to the place to get certified was getting a bit much so I nudged Meggy and asked her, "C-can you tell them to se-settle down it's ge-getting to my hea-head" My voice was slightly shaky because of all the worry I had for 3 and 4 sakes. Meggy turned her head and nodded and shouted "Calm down please we have a goal to reach so lets reach it!" Her voice full of confidence and hope. Sometimes, No most of the time I wonder how she's so confident, so well you know Bold she was the exact opposite of me. I sighed and and looked at the path before me. Bob suddenly said in his monotone voice "HeY lOoK We'rE hErE" Making me slightly jump at the sudden interruption to my thoughts.

Soon we were inside the place, though we had to leave Mario and Bob outside with Saiko so she could watch them and make sure they don't light anything on fire. I walked inside after locking eyes with Saiko and nodding ever so slightly to say "You got this!" without actually saying it. As I walked in I noticed Meggy's face in an expression I'd never seen on her. At first I questioned if my eyes were tricking me but as I walked closer to the ginger I recognized the expression quickly and it scared me it was Nervousness. I went up to her and asked " M-Meggy are you ok?" my mind still racing at the thought of what made her so nervous. She turned to me and said in a small voice I'd never expect was hers "It'll take Luigi 2 days to get certified 4 and 3 might well...Die. My eyes widened in pure shock and horror as i realized what she said was true. But then suddenly a wave of something a bit unfamiliar struck me, Confidence. I looked her straight in the eyes and said "They can do this Luigi will get certified no matter what." my voice full of confidence for once.

                               THE END(TBC) 
A/N SOSOSOSO sorry for making yall wait so long and hitting you with another bad chapter but winter break and sleep deprived me don't fit too well i tried my best to make this chapter longer (By best i mean sitting here and procrastinating for days) 637 words

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