Chapter 40: Umbrella

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"Taehyun, please just stay for tonight. It's not safe to travel tonight and it's raining."

"No," I refused and continue packed my things. "That goddamn Beom bear wants me to leave then I will," I stated like a rebelled kid while wiping my tears.

I sniff and I heard Kazi sigh, "I'll talk to Mrs. So," she said and went out of the room.

After couple of minutes, I heard the door opens again. "You shouldn't have bothered Mrs. So, Kazi," I said. "I'm really going."

"Good thing."

I pause and turn around to see who spoke. He's leaning on the wall with his arms crossed on his chest. I tried my best not to roll my eyes at him. "When I get home, you're really going to lose your job," I threatened him.

"Are you really a highschooler-"

"Yes!" I shouted in anger and dumped my bag on the floor that sounded a thug. "I was hospitalized for the past five years that's why my brain stops developing and gaining knowledge, so yes! Yes, I still act like a freaking kid!"

"Look at him throwing tantrums," he just commented while shaking his head in disbelief.

I fall on my knees and started crying on the floor, "Mom," I bawl. "You're really dead once I get home! I-I'm really going to s-sue you," I cried even harder.

I am busy crying all my tears out until I finished packing. I put on my bagpack and carry some of my bags. I glared at him who's still leaning against the wall and I rolled my eyes before going out.

I'm so stupid for thinking he's going to stop me.

I already reached the lobby and since it's already night, it's already empty. My bags are heavy so in frustrations I left some of it on the sofa and when I open the door, the rain is really heavy. I look back for the last time and there's really no one stopping me.

"Why didn't he stop me?" I sob and completely went out of the building.

The rain isn't even getting lighter, it's also cold given the post-winter season. I keep on complaining about everything while walking under the rain, beside the dark road, and because of anger, I didn't even know where I'm heading already.

"Why are you so stupid, Kang Taehyun?" I blame myself and cry. I fell off my feet and hug my knees like a kid lost his way- though it is a bit similar. I am crying while contemplating my decision when I felt the rain stops pouring directly on me.

I look up and saw an unfamiliar face and he's holding a big black umbrella. "Who are you?" I asked in my polite tone since he's a total stranger.

"Why are you on the middle of the road at this night while raining, huh?" he speaks informally to me.

I frown, "Right! Why am I here a-and why he didn't look for me?" I complaints as I stood up. "I didn't know Hazel is sick and I just want her to have fun-so why? Why did he kick me out? I'm really going to tell mom about this!" I cried again.

I noticed how he frowns at me back as if judging my entire life. "Did you just reincarnate as an immature, spoiled brat?"


"Please pretend you didn't hear it," he answered after. "Anyways, where are you heading?"

"Why would I tell a stranger like you?" I raised a brow. "Thank you but I can manage."

"Should I take you back?" he suggested.

"No," I refused and started walking again. He suddenly grabs my arm so I quickly pushed him away. I suddenly felt fear because of him. "Ahjussi, I can't come with you especially when you're wearing an all-black attire as if there's a funeral."

"Hey, I'm not- wait a damn minute- ahjussi!? Hey punk, you talk as if you're still eighteen!" he suddenly scolded me.

"You just sounded like one," I commented innocently and blink twice.

He scoffs, "You aren't the angel I know-"

"I'm not an angel."

"Yes, you aren't!" his voice raise. "The angel I know is smart, quick-witted, composed, confident, mature, grown up, and don't cry on the middle of the road as if he's like a kid!"

"Why are you shouting at me!?" I yelled at him back and now I'm feeling annoyed. We continue arguing until I noticed a car beam coming at us and it stops behind this old man.

The door open and my face loosen up when I saw Mr. Choi coming at us with an umbrella. "Hey, you can call me anything, you can even call me grim reaper or what but ahjussi!? Hey- oh who is this," the ahjussi in black got startle after Mr. Choi passed by him.

"W-why are you here..." I whispered when he shed me on his umbrella.

He didn't answer and stares at the stranger who's behind him. "I'm glad you wanted to help this kid-"

"I'm not a kid!" I butts in.

He continued, "But I can take care of him. Thank you so much, ahjussi-"

"Ahj- wow! Just wow!" the stranger reacted in frustration then he breathes out. "Go you two," he gesture like he's shooing us away and I think he even murmured something before walking away with his umbrella.

"Get in the car-"

"No," I refused and stood still.

"One," he started counting.

"Hey! Am I a kid!?" I reacted.

"Why, you aren't?" he shoots back plainly.

I scoff and rolled my eyes. "You want me to go, right? So why are you stopping me?"




He started walking away from me that made me panic so I did big steps but given the road is slippery, I almost lost my balance but he immediately caught me, letting go of the umbrella.

I gulps while I stare at his eyes that are also piercing mine. He's staring at me- not blankly, not glaring, he's just staring at me as if I'm a puzzle he wanted to solve but admires it at the same time.


First time... It's the first time he mentioned my name a-and his voice... His voice is calm it seems like he's calling someone so dear to him.

What feeling is this?

"Why are you here?" he continue to asks.

"I-I..." I stutter.

"Why..." his lips are trembling. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Choi Beomgyu, what's happening to him? Is he okay? Why is staring so deeply through my eyes? Why do his eyes look so hurt? Why... why does it feel like he's talking to somebody else while he's looking at me?

"I'm sorry..." I whispered an apology. "P-please... let me stay in here..."

"Why?" he frowns a bit.

I bit my lower lip, "I-I can't go back to what I used to do before... I don't have any friends anymore. I was left behind a-and..." I pause to let out a deep breath. "For some personal reasons..."

He stands up straight and so I did. He turns his back again and started walking towards the car and I followed him. "I'm sorry," I apologized. "I swear I didn't know it'll happen to Hazel. I'm regretting now and I'll ask for forgiveness to her once she wakes up," I'm explaining while he opens the car door. "I-if I'll leave tonight then I can't have the chance to apologize. So, please? And promise I will do better from now on. I will take note of everything," I continued and he stops from moving.

"Do what you want, just don't disturb me... Please."

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