I wrote this anywhere I could in my room. I wrote this on a whim that it would turn out good. It may not be the best but it's the best work I have done in a hot minute. The names in these aren't real just the dates. I'm not gonna dox them anymore lol. If you're in this and you are mad about what I said about you, do not let me know, I do not care whatsoever. You're in my past, anything you say now isn't going to change what I wrote about you in this. This is the final draft. It is over and done with. Do not get mad at me about how I feel, it's not your fault or problem. Let's all hope my mom doesn't read about this (she's going to get mad and say I'm not grateful(I am it's just how can I be grateful and burdened at the same time)). Kudos to the people who hurt me, I am so glad that karma got y'all back, Kudos to the guy(s) who treated me right to an extent, I appreciate you guys. Anyway, time for you guys to read my greatest work of writing art by far. (I want to be an Anesthesiologist - the person who administers anesthesia that makes you lose feeling during surgery and gives epidurals but not a writer). Pls comment if you like it, and leave a like please I'm begging. Hope you guys like my amateur poetry its about the same guy (sigh).

Non-FictionMy biggest trauma dump ever. There are some snippets of poetry in here called poetry breaks to let you relax for a bit and recollect on what you just read. It gives you a break from the drama henceforth why it is called a break lol. I hope you guys...