Arsenal night out pt.1

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Swearing and implied sex again, I think that's it

Katie McCabe
(You had an Amazing game with the Arsenal team and you and some of the girls go out to the pub after the game. How will this end? Who will end up together? Who knows.)

The final whistle blew. Screams rang though the stadium, from supporters and teammates. You had won. You won the last game of the season. You as a team ran together hugging. After celebrations you went round to the fans doing your normal part you actually love seeing the fans and interacting. After that all of you made your way to the changing rooms. You all started to shower and get changed when you piped up saying "Hey does anyone wanna go to the pub tonight for a few drinks just to celebrate?" Katie piped up straight away agreeing to the plan, her face lit up when you asked. Beth, Viv, Leah, Jen, Steph, Kim, Kyra, Caitlin and Alessia all agreed, the others said they had plans, which is fair enough. You all agreed to meet at the pub around 7-8ish. You drove home as it was 5 so you had time to get ready.  As you all drove to the game, everyone drove back. We all got ready with different people. Obviously Beth and Viv got ready together, they are honestly so cute. I think the 3 Aussies got ready together. Then the two Scot's and the Irish got ready together, leaving Leah and Lessi to get ready with me. I got home around 5:30ish and told the girls to come over whenever. Tonight was gonna be amazing. You had picked out your outfit and scrambled to get it on as you had already showered at the club. You had cargo jeans on which were a light wash blue.  As a top you wore a grey waist coat from a suit you owned, you hadn't put them on yet but you planned to wear your Nike panda drunks with them they were the low ones rather the mids or high. You had your normal jewellery on. As you were doing your hair you heard a knock at the door so you ran to grab it. It was Less and Leah, they must have arrived at the same time. You hugged them both and welcomed them in, they both looked so stunning. "I brought Vodka." You heard Leah ring out as all 3 of you were in the kitchen. "Please can we do shots." Alessia asked, well demanded. You gave a chuckle at both and turned to the cupboard your shot glasses were in. You pulled out 3 and lining them up on the island. Leah poured them out. "Cheers." The three of you said clanking the glasses together. Less I pulled a face as it went down, both you and Leah not phased. "Right what do you guys want as pre-drinks?" You questioned them. "Can I have a rum and lemonade please?" Alessia asked. "Of course, as sweet as ever Lesssi." You smiled at her. Alessia was honestly on of the sweetest people you have ever met. "And you Lea?" You and Leah had been friends forever by now you know exactly what she was gonna say because she gets it every time you ask. "Um can I have...a vodka and coke please?" She smiled at you with the biggest cheeky smile she does. "Of course, I don't know why I ask anymore." You quickly made the girls their drinks. A couple of drinks later you were all doing your make-up together laughing and joking around. "So both of you are staying over right?" You asked. They both nodded as they took sips of their drinks, you added that there is a spare key under the mail box you had on the side of the door. All of a sudden Leah had a shit eating grin on her face., you saw it through the mirror, 'What Leah?" You questioned her not liking the smile she had. "And who else is gonna be here? Cause I swear if I wake up to you doing it I'll kill you." Blush crept along your face knowing how she was talking about. Poor Lessi chocked on her drink. "Wait who is she on about?" Alessia exclaimed. You went so red and shy. God the thought of her made you hot under the collar. You zoned out a little thinking about her, till you were snapped back by a hand waving in your face. So Leah decided to answer for you. "McCabe." She sung as if she was a school girl mocking you on a crush. A audible gasp came from Alessia. "No way!' She exclaimed. You picked a pillow from the floor and launched it as Leah. You stood up, "Nope I'm not doing this, I'm getting another beer." You grabbed a Fosters from the fridge and opened it, yes this is the only beer left your brother left them here. You glanced at your watch. "Shit! Girls it's time to go. They came both giggling out, in all fairness you were just a little drunk already. You went out to the taxi and got in.

You had made it to the pub. You knew this was gonna end up at a club because of who was going. You three walked in looking aimlessly around to see anyone you quickly spotted Meados bright loveable face. You quickly went over greeting her and Viv. You truly loved Viv she was so kind and funny, she made you feel so welcome when you joined. You all got drinks and chatted some more. You picked the biggest table to sit at as there were 10 of you meeting. You truly loved the Arsenal girls they are like a family to you. It was currently 7:30 and still no sign of the two Scot's and Irish. The 3 Aussies had turned up, you were all drinking and chatting. Secretly you were so excited to see Katie. Only Leah and now Less knew you had a massive crush on her. The thing that hurts the most is all the McFoord rumours and god all the edits, okay yes I do see the Katie edits but god damn it only solidified your feelings. You had sat on the end of the bench leaving room for one more, hoping Katie would turn up soon. It got to 7:40 and the Scots along with the Irish came stumbling in, clearly they had also had pre-drinks but went harder than the rest of us. "We're hereeee!" Jen boomed in her thick Scottish accent, Kim didn't look as impressed as Jen nor Katie. Kim was holding the pair steady. God Katie looks so hot yet so cute. She had these dress trousers on a cream long sleeve jumper top on, which hugged her perfectly, you felt your face get hot. Katie turned so her eyes met yours, you could honestly get lost in her ocean eyes. What felt like forever you soon broke contact, going bright red.

During the evening you all talked and joked, you and Katie couldn't stop talking. Sometimes you would brush hands under the table. It had gotten to round 11, when decided to go clubbing, like I said there was no doubt. Not everyone went though, tired after the game Kim, Steph, Kyra and Catlin decided to go home. This left me, Lessi, Jen, Leah, Beth, Viv and Katie to go out together. We all said our goodbyes to the others and headed down the street to go clubbing. Beth and Viv walked ahead they were the most sober out of all of us. They made your heart melt the pair of them. The other girls stumbled ahead, you and Katie walked behind far enough out of ear shot for the others to hear but not too far behind. You and Katie linked arms and walked. "You look really beautiful." Katie said out of nowhere. You went all giddy, "And you look really hot." You said stunned a little from your confidence to say that, before anything else could be said Jen shouted "Com'on lover birds, we're nearly there!" Jen had a shit eating grin sort of like Leah's when she talks about you and Katie, this made you question if Jen knows something. You two jogged to meet them all. You all got in. The night was filled with drinking, poor singing and dancing. Soon one by one they all left. Viv took Beth home because Beth felt sick. Less, Jen and Leah took a taxi, They dropped Jen at Kim's knowing she would look after the drunk Scot and Less and Leah headed back to yours. You said you wouldn't be far behind them. You can't lie through out the time at the club you were dancing on Katie and she was doing the same. You were both drunk. You know what they say 'Drunk actions are sober thoughts' well at least you hope, because you kissed her. It was sloppy but still a kiss. After you both broke away she pulled you into the toilets. You made out, it was hot and heavy, god you just wanted her. You didn't care about what would be said in the morning I'd anyone from the news caught you. Pulling away she said "let's get out of here." You agreed. You both made your way though the crowd and got outside calling a taxi. As you waited you slipped into an old habit. You don't do it now but you used to smoke, being from the Uk as a kid and in the South it was very much pushed on you to smoke. You obviously don't do it now because of your career but sometimes when you drink it's hard not too. You pulled a cigarette out and lit it. Katie somehow looked at you in both shock but also lust, her pupils become wider, till she said it, "Fuck that hot." She moved closer to you putting her hands on your waist, you felt butterflies. She took it out of your hand and puffed on the cigarette, shit this was a big turn on. Something about it made shivers go done your body. You kept eye contact like this, till you were interrupted by a car horn, your taxi. You stomped out the cigarette and headed into the taxi. You weren't far maybe 10-15 minute drive. The drive felt like forever. You and Katie talked but her hand was on your thigh, edging closer and closer, till you got back. Katie paid the driver and u rushed inside. You both got in the elevator. Once the doors closed you instantly smashed your lips together. It got steamy very quick, moans escaped your lips when she pushed you against the wall of the elevator.
The doors open. You fumbled in your bag for your keys, pulling them out as you got to the door. "I have to worn you Less and Leah are here but they are most definitely passed out on the sofa like normal, my room is upstairs so it will be fine." You said scared this would be a massive turn off for her. "That's fine I mean Steph, Kyra and Catlin are at mine so." You kissed her once more before unlocking the door and going in. Just like you said the two blonds were cuddled up on the sofa passed out. You made your way up the stairs, which was harder than you thought as your lips never left Katie's. You pushed the door open with your foot leading to the bedroom. Katie pushed you down on the bed and you both had a hungry look in your eyes.

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