Jen Beattie

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Sorry this is a long one.

Jen Beattie
(Everything is overwhelming, Christmas is close and you can't stand the holiday season. No matter what people did to try and get Christmas to win you over no one ever did. Maybe until a certain Scot comes along.)

"No I fucking hate Christmas." You said bluntly. "Bah yer, such a barr humbug Y/n." The older Irish woman said. You rolled your eyes at the comment, you had always been told that. You never really liked Christmas, you were still grateful but you hated it. As a kid your dad wasn't home for Christmas he would be working, which left you, your mum and your older brother. As you became a teenager and you discovered your sexuality and changed it became difficult. Extended family would come over get drunk and say something if that be about the queer community, or even how you looked, this pushed you further in the closet. Later in your teen years when you came out, you girlfriend of nearly 3 years dumped you around Christmas, and to top it off one of your grandads passed away in late November and you attended his funeral in December. So yes you hated Christmas, yet you told people it was because "people are too happy" which isn't wrong you hated all the fake joy people put on for Christmas. After McCabe's remark you walked out of the changing room, you were not in the mood. Training was over but you were able to use the gym after, so you did. You prided yourself on being of the strongest girls on the team. You got picked on a lot as a kid and a teen. As you became a teen though at school people picked up your were a lesbian especially the boys. So the bullying turned to homophobia quickly, this meant it changed from jokes about your weight to now mental and physical abuse from them about you being a lesbian. So you promised that little girl no one would ever be able to push you around like they did. As you got up to the gym no one was there. Just how you liked it. You put your AirPods in and pressed play on your playlist. You started with arm extensions, working on grip and your biceps. This was reps of 10x5. You didn't plan on being in here for long so this was weights till failure. The next was Lat pull downs. You planned to do this and one more exercise. The pull downs were 10x5 then your last one being till failure. Finally it was wrist curls with the straight bar. At this point the pump in your arms was very noticeable. You were in your own world. This wasn't going to be rep based just till you physically could not move the bar up anymore. So that's what you did. This was a form of discipline. Finally you couldn't move the bar, your forearms feeling like they are on fire. You placed the bar back, making sure everything was put back nicely. You headed downstairs hoping no one would be downstairs in the changing room especially after your interaction with Katie earlier. You made your way downstairs to the changing room. You opened the door sheepishly hoping your suspicion was right. Thank god you were right. You grabbed the clothes out of your bag which was just plain black Nike shorts, a white muscle shirt and a weighted black jumper. You paired this with your white air force 1's. Before you put your jumper on you flexed your muscles in the mirror before you. You had come a long way in your journey. You flexed your arms each and every way, satisfied by how the muscles danced across when you wanted. As you pulled your arm back looking the muscle definition all over a voice rang out. "Woah Y/n soon your gonna be busting out of your kit." The Scottish voice rang out. You immediately shy away. You have the biggest crush on the older woman. You hadn't told anyone because you didn't know how anyone would react, so you tried to keep it on the low.  "Jen, er sorry I didn't know anyone was still around." You said scratching the back of your head. "Ah no it's all cool I had some extra physio to do, why are you still here?" She asked slightly concerned. "Oh well, um I got annoyed with Katie over a comment she made so I went to the gym to cool off." You said calmly as this was the truth, there are very few things that can cool you off in this world and the gym is one. "Ah fair enough, that does make sense cause that pump is insane you need to shower me how you do it." she said smiling at you. God her smile is beautiful and she's just ahhhh, she makes your heart soar. "Hahaha says you, you are a goddess Jen." You didn't even mean to say that words just flew out. Jen blushed, looking at the floor. "I- thank you Y/n." You said with a smile. "Well I guess I best go and leave you too it bye Jen." You sounded awkward on accident you just couldn't contain the giddiness she gave you. "Yeah by babe." Jen said calmly. Normally you would freak out if a hot girl like Jen called you babe but she is Scottish and calls everyone babe.

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