Mackenzie Arnold (pt.2)

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(You finally get taken out on that date yes it's a few weeks late but better than never, right?)

It's been two weeks since you met Mackenzie. A lot has happened. Obviously you watched the game and took her home as well, but she did invite you in for a drink which you took without a heart beat. This was not an alcoholic drink as you were drinking but still it was a drink. It may have got a little hot and heavy but nothing toooo far. You both sort of acknowledged it as being casual as we hadn't been on a date yet but you have also met some of her team mates for drinks, they are all so lovely. You have also hung out with her a little but tonight is the night she has asked you on a date.

You were panicking so much on what to wear. Also the day was not doing well. So first of all you get in early and set up at work to have a call from your customer to say that they weren't coming now. You had to try and fill 3 hours so u put out a social media post asking if anyone wanted to come in now and get a small tattoo done to fill the time. Luckily someone did. Then when tattooing this beefy ass guy who walked in like he owned the place, knocked my table and spilt ink on my trainers and it went all over my shorts and leg. When I tell you this shit is hard to come off. I have also never stood toe to toe with a big 6,4ft man so fast, you must have looked like a child but you were beyond fucked off. Then they ran out of my favourite drink at the shop. You did consider texting Mackenzie and saying you were ill or something to avoid embarrassment but you really like her. You got home and straight away got in the shower. You like the shower hot most people say it's too hot but you like the feeling of the hot rain drops hitting you. You took a deep breath in as you felt the day wash away. You washed your (y/h/c) as you just felt gross. After completely washing and washing your face you grabbed the towel and got out. You headed to the wardrobe to see what to wear. You flicked though everything, thinking you have nothing, when you remembered the parcel that was downstairs. You ran down to grab it and head back up to change. It was black loose suit bottoms and a pinstripe blazer, you paired this with a ribbed, tight vest top. You picked out your Prada loafs that gave you a little more hight. You did your hair and makeup and now it was time for some Dutch courage. You got a whisky glass and poured half a glass of whisky not wanting Mackenzie to smell it on your breathe. It was 8:00pm and the taxi turned up. So you grabbed your small black Prada bag and headed down to the taxi. You gave him the location Mackenzie had sent you, it was further into London than you were it was definitely closer to her apartment. After what felt like forever you arrived at the restaurant. You thanked the driver and got out. "Shit." You said under your breath, this place is fancy. You may have fancy brands but you were still the little kid from a small town in the middle of nowhere. You took a deep breath and walked in. You were greeted by a lovely waitress. "Do you have a reservation?" She asked you. Not 100% sure what name it would be under. "Um yeah under Arnold I think?" Hoping she used her last name otherwise you look like a twat. "Ah yes a table for two right this way." She said walking away. Oh thank god that was right. She took you to a small table near the back. You thanked her and sat down. This was a really nice place, also we're you are sat is amazing it is kinda private the way it's hidden.

Okay you were early but it's now 9:00pm you arrived at 8:35 when the table was booked for 8:45. Thoughts started to flood your brain. 'You only met her a few weeks ago you don't know her.' 'How could she go on a date with someone like you.' These thoughts went round you head getting louder and louder. They were broken by movement in front of you. "Mackenzie." Suddenly everything melted away. Your gaze softened to meet hers. "I am so sorry I'm late, I went to grab you flowers then the battery on my hearing aid needed changing I'm so sorry y/n how can I make it up to you." Mackenzie spoke fast almost as if, you would leave if she stopped. "Macca." You grabbed her hand, "Its okay, you're here now that's all that matters." You told her looking into her eyes. You could truly never get bored of looking into her eyes. You had a soft smile on your face, she always brought this out of you. "Now shall we order drinks?" You asked trying to make her feel more comfortable.

The meal went perfectly. She truly did make you feel like the only girl in the world. During the meal you two talked about everything and anything. From what it's like moving from Australia, to playing football, to tattoos and if we had a dog what we would call them. At this point you knew you were falling in love. You had a few to drink but not drunk drunk. After the bill was paid which you went half refusing to let Mackenzie pay the whole bill. You left the restaurant, "Hey Mac do you maybe want to go get ice cream?" You asked her hoping she would say yes so you can carry on the date. "Umm duh is that even a question." She smiled at you grabbing your hand and you headed towards this little ice cream parlour that was open, near the shopping centre. You laughed and giggled the whole way there. "Can I get y/f/f please?" You asked the man nicely, you didn't look but you could feel Mackenzie's eyes on your face, "For you ma'am?" The old man asked snapping Macca back into reality, "Err yeah can I get mint please?" 'Okay could this girl get anymore perfect' you thought to yourself. "Hey Y/n do you wanna maybe come back to mine?" Macca asked she seemed nervous because she avoided eye contact but come on were you ever gonna say no to her? "Yeah of course I do." You smiled brightly back. You ate your guys ice cream on the way back to her apartment. Having disposed of the icecream tubs you some how plucked courage out of thin air. "Hey Macca?" You said so she would look at you, you pulled her in for a kiss. This was different to last times, you melted into her and she did the same. You both broke away, catching your breathe. It was late at night so no one was around but Mackenzie still looked around before pulling you into an ally way. She pushed you up against a wall and kissed you. It's fair to say you had gotten a little more hot and heavy than before.

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