Alessia Russo

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This might be long and I can't lie this one might get deep and honestly don't expect many to read. Please don't read this if you aren't able too. My DMs are always open, if you feel you can't read this, it's okay I hopefully will see you on another story. I am also trying to get though all of the requests.

Please be safe and look after yourself.

Tw: Sad and mention of not  eating due to comments

(What happens when you let comments about you and your girlfriend get to you.)

You had a day off to do some revision for your tattoo work. This would be on just different skins and things. You had gone out your girlfriend the night before, just to eat. You couldn't be more happy with your girlfriend Alessia. You had met each other a while back but, you lived in North London but at the time she lived in Manchester. That was until Alessia signed for Arsenal. This is when you moved in together. You hadn't kept your relationship a secret but you hadn't pushed it in the public.

Less was at training at the moment. She would leave early in the morning. You would always stir when she got out of bed. Always, always before she left she would come and kiss you on the forehead. This morning was no different. After her shower, getting changed into her training outfit. She came into your shared bedroom and kissed your forehead. You were up though, as she kissed your forehead and you pulled her into a hug. Pulling her on top of you, holding her close. Less just comes out in fits of laughter. "Hahhahahhaha Y/n." You continued to pepper kisses all over your girlfriend's face. You finally stop allowing your girlfriend to breathe. "What are you doing up baby?" Alessia asked. "I always know when you kiss my forehead but I was more awake and just wanted to give you kisses." You beamed up at your girlfriend. Less had a massive goofy smile and blush painted across her face. "As much as I don't want to go I can't be late baby." Less said. You really didn't want her to go but you know she had to. "Okay baby just hurry home okay, I love you." You said letting go of her. Lessi let out a giggle "Okay baby, I love you most." She said getting up and heading out of the apartment. You drifted slowly back to sleep.

Your alarm softly buzzed on your bedside table. Your eyes fluttered open. You turned your alarm off and stretched getting out of bed. Like normal but you had a sick anxious feeling, you got out of bed, stretching your back out hearing the quiet cracks of your spine, you walked into the bathroom taking a shower. After the shower you had gotten changed into just comfy clothes this consisted of; white Nike socks, oversized black Nike shorts and a white T-shirt. You slipped your sliders  on that you wore around the house. You made an iced coffee, ignoring anything substantial to eat. You didn't normally eat breakfast anyway. You tried to ignore it but you were now having a bad mental health day. You tried to ignore it but throughout studding it was getting worse.

A couple of hours went by. You had tried hard to study but you just couldn't concentrate anymore, your head hurt so bad. You took your glasses on, that you wore for working on laptops and things. You rubbed your eyes, trying to relieve some pain. You got up, and laid down on the sofa. You had a look on instagram, you were just scrolling. Then you came across a paparazzi shot of you and Lessi, it was of last night. You smiled at the thought of that night, you honestly love Alessia so much and she is so beautiful, like goddess. You then saw the comments. Your heart dropped. A pit formed in your stomach. You looked further.

'Username6282892: Look at that, Alessia deserves better'

'Username817271818: EW what is Less doing with her 🤮🤢'

'Username192930: 🐷🐷🤮🤮'

You felt sick. There were hundreds of comments like this. You had this all your life, but Lessi made you feel different. She would tell you she love you the way you are. Hot red tears started to fall down your cheeks. You started to shake. You felt your stomach twist. You felt sick. You started to spiral. You sprang up, running to the bathroom and tried to throw up. That feeling never left.
Getting back up, tears still rolling, thoughts flooded your brain. 'Did Alessia think that too' 'what if she saw this and thought of this' these thoughts spun around your mind.   Suddenly you were back to being a child, comments thrown around about your weight. You had struggled a lot with a child and into your teen life. Your head pounded, your eyes stung, suddenly you had been crying for hours. After being mentally and physically exhausted, you fell asleep.  Your face had red streaks from crying. Unknown to you, keys jingled in the lock of the door. "I'm home baby." Alessia sang out in a happy tune. Taking off her trainers at the door, dropping her training bag by her shoes. She walked towards the books sprawled on the table. She then saw you on the sofa curled up. She gave a soft smile, seeing the love of her life there. Crouching down next to you, the smile turned into worry, seeing your puffy, eyes, cheeks and lips. "Baby?" Alessia said softly. You slowly opened your eyes, they were bloodshot. Alessia's eyes now showed worry, "what happened sweetheart?" Her voice was shaky. Lessi knew about your past. "I'm sorry." You whispered out. Less grabbed your face smoothing your cheek with her thumb, looking deep into your eyes. "Please my love what happened, I don't wanna see my girl upset." She said with a soft look, "I was having a bad day after waking up the second time, then I tried to study but I got tired, I went on my phone and I saw a picture of us. It was a paparazzi photo but the comments, they were horrible." You started to break down again, but Less reassured you she had you. "They commented about how you deserved more than a pig like me." These words made you break down fully. You sobbed. Within seconds Alessia held you. You sobbed into your girlfriend's shoulder. Less rubbed your back, comforting you. You started to calm down. You pulled away from your girlfriend. "My love, I love you. I love you for you. To me you are so beautiful and amazing. God you are a goddess to me. All those things you hate about you, I love. I love all of you. Please darling those feelings will never change." The soft words of Alessia, melted your heart. "Thank you, I love you Alessia Mia Teresa Russo. With all I have." You said placing a soft kiss on her lips. Alessia kissed you back, this kiss was soft, kind, caring and loving. After you both pulled away. Blush painted over both of your faces. Soft smiles were placed on both of your faces. "Have you eaten my love? Cause I know how hard you fight each day." Her words were soft. Alessia knew about the struggles you went through. You softly shook your head. You didn't actually know what the time was. The only thing you had all day was that coffee. "Right my love I am gonna cook some, hmmmm pasta for dinner okay." She said this giving you kiss on your forehead. "I don't deserve you." You said to the blonde. She just gave you a soft smile and said "You deserve the world and I would move heaven and hell for you." This woman has your whole heart, you love her so dearly. "Here my love have this glass of water and put (your favourite film) on while I cook." You simply smiled. No one ever took care of you like this. It was always you. You would put yourself at risk for them, but with Less you looked after each other. One day you would marry this girl.

Soon the food was done, she made a beautiful pasta with chicken. Alessia was actually an amazing cook but she didn't like to let on about it. "Baby you are such a good cook." You said tasting both pasta and chicken. She just chuckled. That night she looked after you in the small ways. You watched films when eating and the evening. Ending the night having showered and doing skin care together before bed. Falling asleep and waking up next to Alessia was everything you could ever dream off. As you lay in bed, with Less next to you, she drifted off first. She did this thing, she placed her hand on your hip bone. Holding you with so much love. She is perfect and you love her with all you have. With those thoughts you fell peacefully asleep in the love of your life's arms.

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