Lucy Bronze

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Lucy Bronze

(Ummm I don't realllly have like a set thing for this just maybe back story? So your in Barcelona with Lucy, you are actually a barista, Lucy would come into the cafe all the time after training, before training and her days off. Soon you guys got talking finding out you had moved over to Barcelona not long before Lucy made the transfer. After hanging out a lot you started dating. So that's the back story now into the story but it's a little frisky 😭)

You had 5 more minutes till your shift would finish and any minute like now Lucy would come in order us both a to go drink, I would make it then we would go home.
You look up at the door as the bell goes that lets you know someone has walked in. Your eyes met hers. Instantly a smile spread across both of your face, a small blush against yours. "Hola, como puedo ayudarte? (Hello how can I help you?)" you said to the older woman. When working you had to remain professional. "Hola, hermosa, Puedo tomar un café helado de vainilla con leche de avena, por favor, y un moca helado con leche de avena y una bomba de chocolate, por favor? (Can I get, an iced vanilla coffee with oat milk please and an iced mocha with oat milk and a pump of chocolate please.)" she said in a low sultry tone that sent shivers though you. You breath picked up and Lucy definitely took note. "Claro está. (Of course.)" you replied making the drinks. You could see Lucy sat at a table in the corner of your eye. Soon her eyes turned to you. Unknown to her you could see her checking you out, yes you are dating but she still had the effects on you when you first met. Your watch gave you a slight buzz, your shift was over, you handed Lucy the cups, thanked her and quickly rinsed and soaked the equipment you used. Heading to the back taking off your apron, you thanked your Manger for the shift and left. As you walked back into the front you saw Lucy still sat the table but this time drinking the iced coffee. She lit up when she saw you. "You ready to go baby?" You asked her holding out your hand and grabbing your iced mocha. "Yeah I took the car though today I was running late after training." She said taking your hand and you both walked to the car.

"So how was training?" You asked as Lucy drove. "Yeah it was okay tiring but okay, we have our game in a few days." She said shifting her hand to your thigh. You tensed up a little at the action. "How was work?" She asked still concentrated on the road. "Um-Yeah, yeah it was okay not much happened same old..." you stopped her hand moved up your thigh catching you off guard, you gulped, carrying on, "Same old um stuff you know, made a surprising amount of matcha today." You were stumbling over your words, as her hand crept higher and higher. "You okay my love?" She asked innocently.
"Y-yeah." You gave a flustered answer.
"You sure because when I spoke Spanish I saw your breathing get faster?" She said this taking a Quick Look at you, a shit-eating grin on her face. Her fingers now wrapped around your inner thigh, you couldn't take it, you closed your eyes and leaned your head back taking a deep breath in. Lucy clearly saw this as when you did she squeezed harder. "Fuck." You breathed out. You looked over at your girlfriend who had a smirk painted on her face whilst driving. "Luce how long till we're back." You breathed out, her grip still tight to you. "Hmmm about 2 minutes, if I take the shortcut." She said again not moving.
"Please take the shortcut." You said through gritted teeth. "Hmm why's that then mi amor?"
" know why." You breath still hitching when you speak. "Hmmm is it because of my hand? Do you want me to move it?" She asked in a teasing tone, knowing what she was doing. "Please don't move it." You said.
"I didn't know I could get you this worked up from just some Spanish?" She stated again teasing you slightly. "It's not just the Spanish  1. Yes it's very attractive when you speak Spanish 2. You literally are built and look like a goddess 3. I saw you checking me out and god that made my knees go weak." As you said this you saw the blush cross your girlfriend's face, but as soon as you noticed you pulled into your apartment driveway, seeing as you and Lucy shared a place. Giving you one last squeeze, Lucy let go allowing you to get out of the car. As soon as you even get out and shut the door of the car you turn and your lips are pressed against Lucy's. Her hands travel from your face to your hips, keeping you in place.  It was full of passion and heat. Soon she lifted her weight off of you, lips still attached, managing to move you both to the door, pinning you against her and the door. Lucy pulled away to unlock the door, you took this as you chance to place kisses on her neck. Soon the door was unlocked. Getting inside Lucy picked you up, kicking the door shut and carrying you upstairs.

Dropping you on the bed she now hovered above you. Pushing yourself further up the bed allowing Lucy to crawl onto the bed. Soon your lips attached again. This time it had more drive, it was sloppy but intense. You dragged your tongue against her teeth begging for entry, she gave it soon your tongues were intertwined fighting but still working together. Bringing your hands up and under her shirt. Dragging your hands up and down her sides feeling the rippling muscles underneath, you knew how to drive Lucy wild. Taking your nails you lightly starched them across her abs, causing her to break away from the kiss and tilt her head back. Tugging on her shirt she understood, sitting back on your hips and pulling the shirt off. Upon reaction your mouth hung open, a small moan escaping. This woman did things to you the way her toned muscles looked on her, she sun kissed skin, the white Calvin Klein bra she wore and her low messy bun. "God I'm so lucky." You said under your breath. Soon she started to attack your neck in kisses, leaving wet hot marks across your neck.

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