Katrina Gorry

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Katrina Gorry
(You and Katrina have a house to yourself and you want to treat her like a princess.)

-knock Knock-
You opened the door. "Hey Kyra, Charli." You welcomed them both in. "Me and Mini are so glad you agreed to take Harper for a sleepover." You said as you guys walked towards the living room where Katrina and Harper were watching cartoons. "Kyra!" Harper shouted jumping off the sofa running over to the girls. You honestly love how much Kyra adores the Matilda girls because it means she has people to look up too. Especially Kyra who is your team mate at Arsenal. Due to the Camps that Mini went to Harper went too. This meant she was close to Kyra and Charli because they shared rooms. "Kyra, Charli hey thank you so much for this, she's so excited to spend the night with you two." Mini said facing the two younger girls stood in the doorway. "Hey Harps why don't you go get your bag for the sleepover." Katrina said to the tiny Gorry. Harper ran off upstairs taking Kyra and Charli with her. You walked over to Katrina straddling her lap. "Hmm I'm so excited to have a night with you all to myself." You said leaning close, Mini smiled kissing you. You deepened the kiss, suddenly you heard feet bounding down the stairs, you quickly got off sliding to the side. Harper came running into the room and jumping on us both.
"Right Harps you ready?" Charli said calling the girl over. "Bye mommy, bye mama."Harper said hugging you both, "Bye kiddo." You said holding the small Gorry. Harper knows you aren't biological or even married but you had a special bond with her, you really do love her like she is your own. You showed the girls out and said good byes.  You shut the door, you turned pinning Katrina to the door, god she looks so good. You looked into her ocean eyes. She looked up at you leaning over her. You put your finger under chin pulling her closer to you. You smiled kissing her. You are so in love with this woman, your lips fit like puzzle pieces, they are made for each other. You pulled away. She smiled up at you. This was the first time you were home alone for a night without anyone.  "What do you want for dinner Princess?" You asked the smaller woman. You looked at her with such love in your eyes. "Hmmmm...pizza." Mini said bouncing up and down like a child. You guys were so excited to have a night to yourself.  You looked at her with passion raging in your eyes, this is a woman you love so much. "Why do you go have a nice hot shower or bath and I'll order dinner yeah?" You smiled at the older woman. You had a plan, a at home date. Yes it was taking everything in you to not shower with her because God is that woman hot, but you wanna do this for her because she deserves it, she's such a amazing woman, mum, partner, team player she's just deserves everything so if you can even show her a little of how much she means to you. "Are gonna join me?" Mini said biting her lip. Ahh God you so desperately wanted to say yes "I would love to darling but I have a surprise for you. But God it is killing you are so fine." You are so in love with her. "Okay baby." she winked. Her words were also laced with Lust, she pushed past your arm and slinked away upstairs, you turned to see her walk away and she swayed her hips as she walked. Once out of sight you moved your head back to the door and it hung low. You pushed yourself off the door and grabbed your phone off the kitchen side and order the two pizzas. After ordering them, you turned your attention to setting up the table. Under the cupboard you kept the spare candles. You grabbed 3 candles. Placing them on the table. To be honest you are actually quite shit at making things romantic. You placed a couple of wine glasses in the fridge to cool them. You walked upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door, "Hey babe I'm just gonna pop to the shop okay I won't be long." You heard a hum come from Katrina. You had about an hour 45 minutes till the pizza would be here and you needed to be back so you, grabbed the keys to the Audi R8 and headed to the car. The plan is too get, her some roses, wine and chocolate. You raced to the store, safely.
Your phone pinged, it was Katrina.

Mini ❤️💍
'I have my own surprise for you 😉'

'Wow this woman is gonna be the death of me.' You thought to yourself you knew your face was bright red by now. You answered her text.

'Babe I'm in public god 🤤 gonna give me a heart attack'
'I can't wait for it 😏'

Right you needed to get home ASAP. You ran around the store picking up red roses, chocolate, rosé wine and an energy drink for you. You payed for everything and got in the car. You opened up the energy drink and drank it before you got home.

You parked up and unlocked the door. "Hey Honey." You called out knowing she was still up in the bedroom where you asked her to wait till the suprise was done. The pizza would be here any minute. You grabbed the vase from under the sink and filled it up. Cutting the roses so they last longer. Placing the vase in the middle of the table with the candles. You pulled your lighter out of your pocket and lit the candles. Grabbing the glasses too from the fridge and pouring the wine.
-knock knock-
You opened the door to see a guy carrying the pizzas. You thanked him and gave him a tip. You placed them on the table at each end. You stepped back turning off the lights and putting a playlist on low in the background. It was perfect. "BABY COME DOWN UTS READY." You shouted so she could hear. she bounded down the stairs in shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Her face lit up when she saw the kitchen table. She came running over hugging you.  "Baby you did all of this?" She questioned look at you. "Yeah of course my love you deserve the world and you have worked so hard." You blushed hoping she liked it. She kissed you it was loving and passionate. You melted into the kiss. You pulled away with a massive smile on your face. "Shall we eat darling." You said kissing her forehead.

You sat eating, drinking, laughing and flirting. A old school song came on. Mini got up, pulling you up too. "Dance with me." She asked and how could you deny her. You pulled her by her waist close to you. Slowly dancing, her head in the crook of your neck and your head resting on hers. You stayed like this for ages just embracing each other.
You love this woman and the family you two have together. You finally broke away, she pulled you into a kiss. This wasn't like before it was hot, heavy and steamy. You both filled with hunger and lust. She pulled away. "Do you want your surprise now?" She questioned with a smirk on her face. "Yes God I do want that surprise." You said picking her up and taking her upstairs.

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