Alanna Kennedy

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Alanna Kennedy

(So this is sort of based on when Katie held a jumper over Caitlin's head, but this is you and Alanna, but one thing Alanna is 5,9ft and you well you are a lot shorter.)

"Good morning beautiful." An Australian accent sung in your ear, followed by soft kisses on your cheek. This is probably the best way to wake up. A smile plastered it self across your face, complimented by blush on your cheeks. You roll onto your back tilting your head to the left to be greeted by your girlfriend, who is propped up by her arm looking at you. Her blue eyes are perfect in every way. You smiled leaning up to place a delicate kiss on her soft lips. Slowly parting from her your eyes landed on her tattooed arm. You loved Lani's tattoos they were all beautiful. You started to trace the one you could see. You loved mornings like these, the days you both had off, nothing to get ready for just being in love. You rarely got these times with your girlfriend due to both of your busy schedules, Alanna being at training a lot with Man-city and you at Arsenal as a photographer. That's actually how you met. Being the photographer for the Arsenal women's team meant you spent a lot of time with them, so you grew close with the girls. You were rather close with Katie and Caitlin. Caitlin invited you to go out with her, Katie, Macca, Kirsty and Alanna. You sat with Alanna, who you got on with really well, very quickly at the end of the night you got Alanna's number. Then on it sparked into a beautiful relationship you have now.

Snapping back into reality you landed on your girlfriend's worried expression, your eyes softened causing hers too. "Welcome back my love, thought we lost you. You okay?" She questioned with her smile. God that smile makes you weak at the knees, "Yeah sorry, I just was thinking about when we first met." You said eyes fixated on hers, causing you too smile as well. "Don't apologise my love and your adorable. I always love thinking about that time, I'm so glad we are seeing Cait and Katie tonight, you know not against each other." She said laughing. She was right a lot of the time seeing your friends meant someone was playing against each other, if that be intentional or for club. A bust of excitement ran through your body, acting upon it your climbed atop of your girlfriend and peppered her face with kisses. This earned you the adorable little giggles. You soon stopped your movements catching your breath, and Alanna hers. "Sooooo what do you want for breakfast I'll cook." You asked excitedly. "Hmmm Avo on toast with scrambled egg." She stated with with a hungry look. "God you're so Australian. I love you so much." You stated mocking the way she said avo, you placed a loving kiss on her lips. Then jumped off her and walked to the pile of clothes in the corner. You picked up one of her Man-city shirts and walked over to your draw grabbing a pair of shorts which accidentally might have been a rather short pair. You slipped them on, walking back past Lani who was on her phone that was until she said, "Gosh I am a lucky woman, breakfast and a show." She said with a wink. Suddenly you felt all giddy around her as you got to the door frame you said "Only for you." Giving her a wink back, then leaving the room before she could say no more.

Your shared apartment was big but it was all on one floor, which you quite liked. "Hey Alexa, play 'Getting high with my lover' playlist." You called out.
"Playing 'Getting high with my lover' playlist from Y/n Spotify." The voiced called out soon playing Moonlight by Kali Uchis. You got to work. Grabbing the ingredients you needed; Avocado, chill flakes, salt, pepper, whole seed bread, eggs and bacon. You decided to add bacon because you wanted some and every time Alanna would just steal yours. Getting the chopping board out and knife you got to work, softly singing as you did, "I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss".

Soon you were nearly done, the avocado was smashed and mixed with the spices. The toast now on the chopping board waiting to be buttered. The scrambled egg in the pan, on a low heat. The bacon the same on a higher heat.

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