Jen Beattie

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Hi, I'm sorry for not uploading a lot but I really struggle with the holiday season as I work up till the the day before Christmas Eve and also never really liking the holiday season. I know I have only just done a Jen story but this story I put a lot of what I was feeling into and Jen is just one of my comfort players, but I will start doing more of the requests plus others, so thank you and I hope you are having a good holiday or even just a good week.

Jen Beattie
(Still having to live with your parents is hard, the only thing stopping you from moving out is actually finding a place. Some days it's so challenging but now you have a few things that make it more bearable.)

"FUCK OFF!" You shouted at your brother.

You had hurt your knee in training and in a lot of pain. You were in just in pain, tired and hungry. You got home and ate. Really not in the mood. You had comments from pretty much everyone about your mood, especially from your brother as you were eating. All you wanted to do was lay in bed with your girlfriend but no she's at home, as you were gonna head up stairs you thanked your parents for the meal and your dad asked what you were gonna do when you got upstairs, you told him,"Probably do my Dutch and watch some football." You said smiling at him. "What and watch better players then you. Fucking sad." Your brother chimed in for no reason at all. "FUCK OFF!" You shouted so done with everything you stormed off upstairs. That was it, you phoned your girlfriend, "Hey baby." The familiar Scottish voice rang. "Please can you come get me from mine?" You asked desperation in your voice, you needed to escape. "Yeah of course my love is everything okay?" She sounded so worried, "No I've had an argument with my brother and I'm in pain, I just want you please?" You begged her she is really all you want. "Of course, I will be as fast as I can, just wait outside okay." You agreed and Jen hung up the phone. You grabbed an empty bag filling it with a few items of clothes then also the essentials you needed that Jen didn't have at hers. You assumed your brother was in his room, so you ran downstairs, you went in the living room and told your parents you would be staying at Jens for a few days, they understood why, because you are your brother can get very heated when in a argument which either ended up with a smack down with words or someone flat on their ass, so this was the best option to not have anything broken. You have had to dance around tell Joan's why you have been injured due to a fight with your brother. You waited outside for your girlfriend to pick you up. You didn't wait long as a couple of minutes later her car appeared. You ran over, and jumped in. As soon as you got in the car, her perfume hit your nose and you felt instantly calm. "Hey princess." Jen said her Scottish accent making it that much better, you just melted. You leaned in and kissed her. Your lips fitted together like puzzle pieces, her hand slipped to the back of your head. Your hand slipped to her shoulders. You both then pulled apart. "Hi baby." You said blushing extremely hard. During the car ride home, you explained to her what had happened.

"I'm glad you called me my love, I will always come get you." Jen saying this has your heart, you truly feel safe with her. Now pulling into her driveway. You pulled your bag off the floor and got out. It was the small things that make you fall more in love with Jen. As you walked to the front of the car, Jen came beside you and puts her arm around your waist, these things make you feel more safe. As you walked through the door, you were hit with just the sent of home. "Have you eaten?" Jen asked, she always checks in, knowing you struggle. "Just some noodles, I'll be okay." You said sitting down on the sofa, where clearly Jen was before you came as the blanket was sat there as if it was wrapped around someone, "Your joking?" She said walking closer, "Babe you just had training and you were working so hard." She said, you knew she was just being protective and she did have a point. "But I don't wanna cook and baby let's be honest you can't cook eggs." You stated, Jen had cooked before and you had to step in before the house burnt down. "Okay yeah, butttt we have 3 days off, we could order pizza, and I know away to burn calories." Jen said inches from your face, her last words said with a wink, twisted your stomach in a god way, she has away of just getting you hot and bothered without even trying. Your eyes flicked between her eyes and her lips. "Is that so?" Your eyes never leaving her lips. She gave you her cheeky smile and leaned in, you sat back on the sofa pulling her on top of you. Jen was also so gentle with you. Your hands moved up and down her thighs. Her hands on the back of your head, intertwined in your hair. This was the best distraction. You moved your head slightly to the side deepening the kiss. Her tongue brushed against your bottom teeth, asking for access. You obeyed now both fighting for dominance with your tongues. She soon won, her tongue exploring your mouth, a moan escaped your mouth. You tightened your grip on her this brought a moan from Jen. God this turned you on more. She pulled away, you both now heavy breathing trying to get more air. "I will order the pizza then." Jen breathed out, still slightly stunned from what just happened. This night made you realise you couldn't wait to live with Jen it's only been 6 months since the two of you got together but you truly love this woman.

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